1. | | Cell Phone Software: The Billion-Dollar Sand Trap (alexkrupp.typepad.com) |
19 points by Alex3917 on May 3, 2007 | 20 comments
2. | | YC.News Experiment: 630 Karma points in 31 Days - Lessons Learned (nanobeepers.com) |
22 points by mattjaynes on May 3, 2007 | 12 comments
3. | | A Hard Lesson About Planning For Scale (joedavison.com) |
18 points by mattjaynes on May 3, 2007 | 11 comments
4. | | MBAs go contrarian on Google (kedrosky.com) |
19 points by far33d on May 3, 2007 | 16 comments
5. | | Branding on the cheap: 99 tips for poor web startups (avivadirectory.com) |
15 points by Sam_Odio on May 3, 2007 | 2 comments
6. | | "Microsoft needs Wizards" (orig 1984 usenet posting) (groups.google.com) |
14 points by sbraford on May 3, 2007 | 12 comments
7. | | Daring Fireball: The iPhone's Funny Price (daringfireball.net) |
14 points by pg on May 3, 2007 | 3 comments
8. | | Mark Pilgrim reboots the discussion on Silverlight (diveintomark.org) |
14 points by johnmartin78 on May 3, 2007 | 4 comments
9. | | How many YC companies have been working on mobile startups? |
9 points by danw on May 3, 2007 | 23 comments
10. | | How to market your Web 2.0 application in Europe? |
9 points by nurall on May 3, 2007 | 10 comments
11. | | How important is a woman's perspective for Web 2.0 startups? |
8 points by nurall on May 3, 2007 | 12 comments
12. | | SIGGRAPH 2007 papers on the web (brown.edu) |
7 points by amichail on May 3, 2007 | 4 comments
13. | | Getting profitable in 14 months (firstround.com) |
6 points by Sam_Odio on May 3, 2007
14. | | Smugmug thoughts on silverlight (smugmug.com) |
5 points by far33d on May 3, 2007
15. | | Best Practices for Form Design (pdf) (lukew.com) |
6 points by youngnh on May 3, 2007 | 1 comment
16. | | Google Reader Integrates With Gmail, 2007 is "Year of Integration" at Google (startupmeme.com) |
6 points by usablecontent on May 3, 2007
17. | | Stop Screwing Around and Focus, Will Ya? (gobignetwork.com) |
6 points by transburgh on May 3, 2007 | 1 comment
18. | | Three golden rules of success in today's brutal web 2.0 world. (venturebeat.com) |
6 points by comatose_kid on May 3, 2007 | 1 comment
19. | | 45% of Europeans watch TV online (techcrunch.com) |
4 points by dawie on May 3, 2007 | 7 comments
20. | | GOOGLE: This NDA never existed - Valleywag (valleywag.com) |
4 points by brett on May 3, 2007 | 1 comment
21. | | Did your mother influence your entrepreneurial spirit? |
4 points by mattjaynes on May 3, 2007 | 5 comments
22. | | Anyone interested in sharing an apt/house in Cambridge this summer to work on startups? |
4 points by jaed on May 3, 2007 | 7 comments
23. | | Most marketing lacks balls -or- This coffee sucks (jslogan.com) |
4 points by jslogan on May 3, 2007
24. | | Everything you need to master RoR in one place (softwaredeveloper.com) |
4 points by Sam_Odio on May 3, 2007
25. | | MiniWeb: an entire site in one JSON object (edwards.name) |
3 points by herdrick on May 3, 2007 | 1 comment
26. | | Pandora To shut Out Non-US Users Thursday Evening (feedburner.com) |
3 points by reitzensteinm on May 3, 2007 | 1 comment
27. | | Need a joost invite? Get one here. (startupmeme.com) |
3 points by Sam_Odio on May 3, 2007 | 1 comment
28. | | New York Times on the social news uproar (nytimes.com) |
3 points by kf on May 3, 2007
29. | | PHP regular expressions examples (roscripts.com) |
3 points by danw on May 3, 2007 | 1 comment
30. | | Ajax: Selecting the Framework that Fits (5 frameworks reviewed) (ddj.com) |
3 points by danielha on May 3, 2007 | 1 comment
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