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Stories from April 21, 2007
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31. Google Web History - Minority Report In the Making (startupmeme.com)
2 points by usablecontent on April 21, 2007 | 1 comment
32. My namesake visits Cuba, convinces Cuba to use open-source on a national level, and records a song about Guantanamo (stallman.org)
2 points by kf on April 21, 2007 | 1 comment
33. DayJet - "[web 2.0 is] a playing field so flat as to have no barriers to entry at all" (fastcompany.com)
2 points by danw on April 21, 2007 | 1 comment
34. What do you wish you could do with S3 that currently isn't possible?
2 points by cmars232 on April 21, 2007 | 2 comments
35. Big money in little screens (news.com.com)
2 points by bootload on April 21, 2007
36. The Webware 100 (Top Web 2.0 Sites Nomination) (webware.com)
2 points by gibsonf1 on April 21, 2007
37. 3D scanning and printing within reach? (wired.com)
2 points by bootload on April 21, 2007 | 1 comment
38. Jobs: $1 in salary, nearly $1 billion in stock (sfgate.com)
2 points by gibsonf1 on April 21, 2007 | 1 comment
39. Information wants to be _found_ (wikia.com)
2 points by bootload on April 21, 2007 | 1 comment
40. Digg Releases Public API, San Francisco Tech Crowd Parties Hard (techcrunch.com)
1 point by pg on April 21, 2007
41. How to Profile and Optimize Ajax Applications (codinginparadise.org)
1 point by bootload on April 21, 2007 | 1 comment
42. MacBook hacked in contest at security event (news.com.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on April 21, 2007 | 1 comment
43. Mix faster, MixerCast(er) (webware.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on April 21, 2007
44. Mowser mobilizes any Web page (webware.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on April 21, 2007
45. Plenty of Google to go around (news.com.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on April 21, 2007
46. Visual programming Java applet for teaching binary search tree algorithms (including ones for balanced trees) (sourceforge.net)
1 point by amichail on April 21, 2007
47. Open Source Business Models (readwriteweb.com)
1 point by mattjaynes on April 21, 2007
48. Random Page Redirect For Wordpress Blogs (techcrunch.com)
1 point by pg on April 21, 2007
49. AOL founder Launches Health Care Portal & Social Network-Revolution Health (startupmeme.com)
1 point by usablecontent on April 21, 2007
50. ScrewTube Targets Racier Online Video (techcrunch.com)
1 point by pg on April 21, 2007 | 2 comments
51. Vote up if you think there should be a video section
1 point by vlad on April 21, 2007 | 3 comments
52. Microsoft Live Spaces Rolls Out New Features (techcrunch.com)
1 point by pg on April 21, 2007
53. SEOs Are A Part of the Problem (pronetadvertising.com)
1 point by slabuda on April 21, 2007
54. Breaking Down LibraryThing vs. Amazon Tagging Analysis (personalinfocloud.com)
1 point by bootload on April 21, 2007
55. PodBridge Raises $8.5 Million for Podcast Advertising (startupmeme.com)
1 point by usablecontent on April 21, 2007
56. News.YC Feature Request
1 point by Sam_Odio on April 21, 2007 | 11 comments
57. Desperately Seeking Bulgarian Programmers (businessweek.com)
1 point by bootload on April 21, 2007
58. The Virtual Meeting Room (businessweek.com)
1 point by bootload on April 21, 2007
59. VCs Aim to Out-Angel the Angels (businessweek.com)
1 point by bootload on April 21, 2007
60. The GravityZoo OOo porting project (openoffice.org)
1 point by bootload on April 21, 2007 | 2 comments

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