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Stories from August 18, 2018
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1. Stacking concrete blocks is a surprisingly efficient way to store energy (qz.com)
726 points by nabla9 on Aug 18, 2018 | 382 comments
2. My dad’s resume and skills from 1980 (github.com/runvnc)
814 points by ilaksh on Aug 18, 2018 | 397 comments
3. HUD Files Housing Discrimination Complaint Against Facebook (hud.gov)
469 points by google_censors on Aug 18, 2018 | 525 comments
4. Researcher at center of epic fraud remains an enigma to those who exposed him (sciencemag.org)
240 points by maxerickson on Aug 18, 2018 | 83 comments
5. Never patterns, exhaustive matching, and uninhabited types in Rust (smallcultfollowing.com)
161 points by fanf2 on Aug 18, 2018 | 76 comments
6. Mastodon Is Better Than Twitter: Elevator Pitch (codesections.com)
467 points by codesections on Aug 18, 2018 | 375 comments
7. Redux vs. The React Context API (daveceddia.com)
207 points by wheresvic1 on Aug 18, 2018 | 73 comments
8. A Nerd’s Way to Walk Up the Stairs (2011) (tanyakhovanova.com)
139 points by Tomte on Aug 18, 2018 | 94 comments
9. An Ultrahot Exoplanet Has Metallic Skies (scientificamerican.com)
96 points by yaseen-rob on Aug 18, 2018 | 31 comments
10. The Absurdity of Detecting Gravitational Waves (2017) [video] (youtube.com)
108 points by basicplus2 on Aug 18, 2018 | 61 comments
11. Companies from the YC Summer 2018 Batch (blog.ycombinator.com)
123 points by Sreyanth on Aug 18, 2018 | 95 comments
12. 'Acoustic attack' report on US diplomats in Cuba is flawed, neurologists say (theguardian.com)
101 points by pmoriarty on Aug 18, 2018 | 66 comments
13. Show HN: TinyGo – LLVM-based Go compiler for microcontrollers (github.com/aykevl)
177 points by ngaut on Aug 18, 2018 | 22 comments
14. Regarding the Most Recent Amazon Mechanical Turk Data Contamination (maxhuibai.com)
120 points by dsr12 on Aug 18, 2018 | 28 comments
15. Think Julia: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (benlauwens.github.io)
207 points by cdsousa on Aug 17, 2018 | 70 comments
16. A map of publicly available fruit trees, mostly in Slovakia (fruitmap.sk)
155 points by kazet on Aug 17, 2018 | 44 comments
17. Stockholm’s deepest subway station is also an ecological wonder (atlasobscura.com)
143 points by DoreenMichele on Aug 18, 2018 | 26 comments
18. Show HN: Favioli – Replace blank tab icons with unique per-domain emoji (eligrey.com)
94 points by Sephr on Aug 18, 2018 | 17 comments
19. The Secret to Ant Efficiency Is Idleness (nytimes.com)
125 points by electic on Aug 17, 2018 | 45 comments
20. The nightmarishly complex wheat genome finally yields to scientists (arstechnica.com)
85 points by LinuxBender on Aug 17, 2018 | 63 comments
21. With Undefined Behavior, Anything Is Possible (raphlinus.github.io)
94 points by kibwen on Aug 17, 2018 | 28 comments
22. The Usefulness of Abstracting Over Time (maxhallinan.com)
53 points by maxhallinan on Aug 18, 2018 | 13 comments
23. Create a simple cross-platform desktop game with Go (sausheong.github.io)
151 points by sausheong on Aug 18, 2018 | 21 comments
24. Myths about /dev/urandom (2014) (2uo.de)
80 points by mindcrime on Aug 17, 2018 | 68 comments
25. My Life in Pens (2009) (iamjamesward.com)
64 points by tosh on Aug 18, 2018 | 30 comments
26. Mithril.js – A modern client-side Javascript framework (mithril.js.org)
209 points by dammitfoo on Aug 17, 2018 | 78 comments
27. GoAWK: an AWK interpreter written in Go (github.com/benhoyt)
101 points by ngaut on Aug 18, 2018 | 36 comments
28. M4 (computer language) (wikipedia.org)
70 points by laktak on Aug 17, 2018 | 26 comments
29. F Natural – Putting the fn back in functional (github.com/billhails)
60 points by totalperspectiv on Aug 17, 2018 | 17 comments
30. Are Cities Making Animals Smarter? (theatlantic.com)
65 points by dsr12 on Aug 18, 2018 | 13 comments

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