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Stories from March 28, 2015
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1. A fast, offline reverse geocoder in Python (github.com/thampiman)
181 points by jp_sc on March 28, 2015 | 43 comments
2. Jodd – The Unbearable Lightness of Java (jodd.org)
219 points by tilt on March 27, 2015 | 108 comments
3. Notes from Facebook's Developer Infrastructure at Scale F8 Talk (gregoryszorc.com)
162 points by cpeterso on March 28, 2015 | 46 comments
4. The FedEx Problem (arxiv.org)
229 points by subnaught on March 28, 2015 | 98 comments
5. Han Solo and Bayesian Priors (statslife.org.uk)
76 points by rck on March 28, 2015 | 17 comments
6. Why TCP Over TCP Is a Bad Idea (2001) (inka.de)
72 points by nikital on March 28, 2015 | 43 comments
7. GNU make insanity: finding the value of the -j parameter (jgc.org)
100 points by jgrahamc on March 28, 2015 | 123 comments
8. Oxford University: How do you design the library of the future? (medium.com/oxford_university)
71 points by Hooke on March 28, 2015 | 11 comments
9. Jupiter Is a Garden of Storms (nautil.us)
60 points by dnetesn on March 28, 2015 | 10 comments
10. Open Sourced: Newscombinator Front End (github.com/tomw1808)
71 points by tomw1808 on March 28, 2015 | 25 comments
11. A standard for building APIs in JSON (jsonapi.org)
199 points by lobo_tuerto on March 28, 2015 | 103 comments
12. Clean Up Your Mess – A Guide to Visual Design for Everyone (2011) (visualmess.com)
262 points by Garbage on March 28, 2015 | 111 comments
13. Ninja – A small build system with a focus on speed (martine.github.io)
80 points by soundsop on March 28, 2015 | 28 comments
14. Inform: A Language for Interactive Fiction (inform7.com)
121 points by brudgers on March 27, 2015 | 50 comments
15. Free Art Books from the Metropolitan Museum of Art (openculture.com)
122 points by diodorus on March 28, 2015 | 8 comments
16. Blind + Linux = BLINUX (leb.net)
66 points by brudgers on March 28, 2015 | 26 comments
17. On Amish Time (lareviewofbooks.org)
61 points by brie22 on March 27, 2015 | 35 comments
18. Book Notes: Founders at Work (designsprints.com)
55 points by cccsss on March 28, 2015 | 5 comments
19. Show HN: Build Your Own Tetris Playing Program (github.com/mbrenman)
36 points by mattbrenman on March 28, 2015 | 4 comments
20. The experimental railway in London that never stopped (ianvisits.co.uk)
38 points by davidbarker on March 28, 2015 | 23 comments
21. The habits of practically unhackable people (intel.com)
96 points by lobo_tuerto on March 27, 2015 | 95 comments
22. On Saving the World and Other Delusions (moreright.net)
104 points by proveanegative on March 28, 2015 | 93 comments
23. Why Do Severed Goat Heads Keep Turning Up in Brooklyn? (nymag.com)
59 points by r721 on March 28, 2015 | 29 comments
24. A Competing HEVC Licensing Pool (xiphmont.livejournal.com)
80 points by KwanEsq on March 27, 2015 | 22 comments
25. Monsanto Weedkiller Is ‘Probably Carcinogenic,’ WHO Says (bloomberg.com)
157 points by walterbell on March 28, 2015 | 116 comments
26. A Loss for Words: Can a Dying Language Be Saved? (newyorker.com)
43 points by benbreen on March 28, 2015 | 102 comments
27. Monitor the mood states of Hacker News in real time (themoodtool.com)
51 points by chrisvxd on March 28, 2015 | 26 comments
28. Doctor Fortran in “The Future of Fortran” (intel.com)
25 points by nkurz on March 28, 2015 | 17 comments
29. Sail Programming Language Tutorial (1976) (trailing-edge.com)
25 points by brudgers on March 27, 2015 | 5 comments
30. Show HN: HN Notifications – Get an email when a HN story matches your criteria (hnnotifications.com)
49 points by ini on March 28, 2015 | 21 comments

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