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Stories from February 25, 2007
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1. Inside Myspace.com - (great info on how they scaled) (baselinemag.com)
35 points by Nick_Smith on Feb 25, 2007 | 9 comments
2. A Fatal Paper Cut - Too many shareholders and bad shareholders agreement (ricksegal.typepad.com)
20 points by immad on Feb 25, 2007 | 3 comments
3. Facebook is Stickier than Peanut Butter (webpronews.com)
13 points by Harj on Feb 25, 2007 | 9 comments
4. Myspace preparing to block all widgets? (techcrunch.com)
11 points by pg on Feb 25, 2007 | 4 comments
5. Startup: Firefox sidebar for chatting with fellow visitors to any website. (dium.com)
11 points by herdrick on Feb 25, 2007 | 11 comments
6. Yahoo only did 3 acquisitions in 2006, for $42m (paidcontent.org)
10 points by kul on Feb 25, 2007 | 9 comments
7. Facebook Launches Facebook Query Language (mashable.com)
9 points by immad on Feb 25, 2007 | 1 comment
8. Under 30, online and world-beating (guardian.co.uk)
8 points by jwecker on Feb 25, 2007 | 7 comments
9. Millions of Videos, and Now a Way to Search Inside Them (nytimes.com)
9 points by onebeerdave on Feb 25, 2007 | 8 comments
10. What algorithm does news.YC use to filter spam?
9 points by kf on Feb 25, 2007 | 10 comments
11. 10 Mistakes that Will KILL a Forum (seorefugee.com)
7 points by jimbocook on Feb 25, 2007 | 1 comment
12. Bootstrapping Your Company - A practical guide by Greg Gianforte, founder of RightNow Technologies [MP3] (gigavox.com)
7 points by reitzensteinm on Feb 25, 2007 | 7 comments
13. Silicon Valley has become Media Valley - someone should tell NYC (siliconvalleywatcher.com)
6 points by Harj on Feb 25, 2007
14. CRV Quickstart: $250,000 in seed stage financing. How does an 18 year old entrepreneur find references to list on the application? (crv.com)
6 points by kf on Feb 25, 2007 | 3 comments
15. Slife: displays graphically what you do with your computer (slifelabs.com)
5 points by pg on Feb 25, 2007 | 3 comments
16. Tim Bray: "The buzz around OpenID is becoming impossible to ignore." (tbray.org)
5 points by farmer on Feb 25, 2007 | 1 comment
17. Freedom of choice, and how entrepreneurs relate to it (caterina.net)
5 points by joao on Feb 25, 2007
18. Your Comments are Mostly a Waste of Time :) (futureofcommunities.com)
4 points by jwecker on Feb 25, 2007 | 1 comment
19. How Important is the .com TLD? (netbusinessblog.com)
4 points by python_kiss on Feb 25, 2007
20. Y Combinator funded companies
4 points by volida on Feb 25, 2007 | 6 comments
21. How to Waste a Lot of Money in Software Development (slcdug.org)
4 points by jcwentz on Feb 25, 2007 | 1 comment
22. Startup School Wiki - Wiki inc videos of startup school 2006 and 2005 (infogami.com)
3 points by danw on Feb 25, 2007 | 1 comment
23. Wireless: India's Hot, China's Not (redherring.com)
3 points by python_kiss on Feb 25, 2007
24. "Remember Me" Feature Would Be Nice
3 points by awt on Feb 25, 2007 | 2 comments
25. How to handle security bugs in your code (acmqueue.com)
2 points by ashu on Feb 25, 2007
26. Jubii To Launch 10GB Webmail and File Sharing (mashable.com)
2 points by Harj on Feb 25, 2007
27. The Battle for Mobile Search (businessweek.com)
2 points by python_kiss on Feb 25, 2007
28. Is it acceptable for software to lie (like in the ESP Game say)?
2 points by amichail on Feb 25, 2007 | 2 comments
29. Yahoo! Announces Hosting of YUI libraries on their edge network (ajaxian.com)
2 points by bradn on Feb 25, 2007
30. A quick place to list your startup and see others (webstartup.info)
2 points by ratlaw on Feb 25, 2007 | 1 comment

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