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Stories from August 1, 2023
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1. A room-temperature superconductor? New developments (science.org)
1215 points by nneonneo 11 months ago | 774 comments
2. Pixar, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, and Nvidia form alliance for OpenUSD (apple.com)
665 points by anaclet0 11 months ago | 257 comments
3. Hacker mods an M1 Mac mini to receive power over Ethernet instead of AC (inferse.com)
436 points by nrsapt 11 months ago | 163 comments
4. Semiconducting Transport in LK99 reproduction attempt (arxiv.org)
613 points by spekcular 11 months ago | 255 comments
5. Jujutsu: A Git-compatible DVCS that is both simple and powerful (github.com/martinvonz)
673 points by lemper 11 months ago | 261 comments
6. Ask HN: Who is hiring? (August 2023)
479 points by whoishiring 11 months ago | 531 comments
7. How to get ChatGPT to stop apologizing? (genai.stackexchange.com)
447 points by Grimburger 11 months ago | 240 comments
8. Huazhong University demonstrates LK-99 diamagnetism (twitter.com/andercot)
593 points by b800h 11 months ago | 285 comments
9. Oregon decriminalized hard drugs – early results aren’t encouraging (theatlantic.com)
476 points by slapshot 11 months ago | 1184 comments
10. Launch HN: Tiptap (YC S23) – Toolkit for developing collaborative editors
246 points by philipisik 11 months ago | 103 comments
11. Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor LK-99 preprint revision 2 (arxiv.org)
476 points by lnyan 11 months ago | 290 comments
12. Emacs is my new window manager (howardism.org)
284 points by Paul-Craft 11 months ago | 190 comments
13. MIT engineers create an energy-storing supercapacitor from ancient materials (news.mit.edu)
220 points by WalterSobchak 11 months ago | 90 comments
14. The worst API ever made (2014) (caseymuratori.com)
357 points by PaulHoule 11 months ago | 217 comments
15. Splitting the Web (ploum.net)
332 points by bertman 11 months ago | 195 comments
16. Origin of correlated isolated flat bands in LK99 (arxiv.org)
397 points by lawrenceyan 11 months ago | 203 comments
17. Show HN: imessage-exporter, a CLI app and library (github.com/reagentx)
161 points by css 11 months ago | 43 comments
18. IronOS: Open-source soldering iron firmware (github.com/ralim)
245 points by fanf2 11 months ago | 127 comments
19. Show HN: PromptTools – open-source tools for evaluating LLMs and vector DBs (github.com/hegelai)
211 points by krawfy 11 months ago | 24 comments
20. Nvidia H100 GPUs: Supply and Demand (llm-utils.org)
227 points by tin7in 11 months ago | 160 comments
21. Epicycle Clock (sophiehoulden.com)
182 points by ColinWright 11 months ago | 28 comments
22. Speed isn’t everything, and slowness may in fact be more beneficial (2017) (bps.org.uk)
146 points by yamrzou 11 months ago | 70 comments
23. eGPU: A 750 MHz Class Soft GPGPU for FPGA (arxiv.org)
137 points by matt_d 11 months ago | 39 comments
24. Transform your Android device into a Linux desktop (mrs-t.medium.com)
230 points by mikece 11 months ago | 94 comments
25. Evading JavaScript anti-debugging techniques (nullpt.rs)
236 points by hazebooth 11 months ago | 51 comments
26. Could the world go PFAS-free? Proposal to ban ‘forever chemicals’ fuels debate (nature.com)
320 points by mfiguiere 11 months ago | 274 comments
27. Occluding Contour Breakthroughs, Part 1: A Surprisingly Hard Problem (aaronhertzmann.com)
110 points by luu 11 months ago | 16 comments
28. Git files hidden in plain sight (tylercipriani.com)
163 points by thcipriani 11 months ago | 47 comments
29. YKK: Japan’s Zipper King [video] (youtube.com)
172 points by zdw 11 months ago | 53 comments
30. Nim 2.0 (nim-lang.org)
504 points by kindaAnIdiot 11 months ago | 205 comments

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