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Stories from October 26, 2009
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1. Tell HN: My 'mystery project': I couldn't sleep, so I backed up GeoCities (reocities.com)
250 points by jacquesm on Oct 26, 2009 | 65 comments
2. The curious pricing of the 27" iMac (marco.org)
167 points by AndrewWarner on Oct 26, 2009 | 142 comments
3. XKCD commemerates GeoCities (xkcd.com)
161 points by rglovejoy on Oct 26, 2009 | 31 comments
4. Ninite: How we got 18,000 beta users in 4 weeks (runitback.tumblr.com)
140 points by swies on Oct 26, 2009 | 23 comments
5. Ask HN: do you feel Google search result quality has gone down?
112 points by coffeemug on Oct 26, 2009 | 109 comments
6. Going Back to PHP (pathdependent.com)
83 points by chasingsparks on Oct 26, 2009 | 112 comments
7. YCRFS 3: Things Built on Twitter (ycombinator.com)
81 points by pg on Oct 26, 2009 | 68 comments
8. Mac Mini Pays for Itself After 2 Years (cjgill.wordpress.com)
78 points by sahaj on Oct 26, 2009 | 72 comments
9. Arbitrary code execution via ldd utility (catonmat.net)
83 points by pkrumins on Oct 26, 2009 | 18 comments
10. New Twitter, JTV RFSes; Winter 2010 deadline pushed back 2 days (ycombinator.com)
65 points by pg on Oct 26, 2009 | 35 comments
11. After the Deadline now Open Source (afterthedeadline.com)
66 points by raffi on Oct 26, 2009 | 8 comments
12. Are pointers and arrays equivalent in C? (thegreenplace.net)
65 points by r11t on Oct 26, 2009 | 23 comments
13. Startup School 2009 Notes & Summary (markbao.com)
63 points by markbao on Oct 26, 2009 | 18 comments
14. Gemcutter to become default gem host (gemcutter.org)
59 points by rufo on Oct 26, 2009 | 14 comments
15. Zynga’s Mark Pincus: I got kicked out of some of the best companies in America (venturebeat.com)
58 points by dawie on Oct 26, 2009 | 12 comments
16. Google Docs Liberated (tekunik.blogspot.com)
56 points by tekunik on Oct 26, 2009 | 11 comments
17. Hasta la Vista, baby: Ars reviews Windows (arstechnica.com)
54 points by soundsop on Oct 26, 2009 | 33 comments
18. Ask HN: What have you changed your mind about recently?
54 points by amichail on Oct 26, 2009 | 106 comments
19. CS researchers find way to derive laws of nature from stacks of data (acm.org)
51 points by jkopelman on Oct 26, 2009 | 12 comments
20. The Left Fold, a weekly programming article digest (foldl.org)
48 points by fogus on Oct 26, 2009 | 4 comments
21. Ask HN: What are your best resume tips?
46 points by tocomment on Oct 26, 2009 | 58 comments
22. YCRFS 4: New Ways to Use Live Video (ycombinator.com)
45 points by pg on Oct 26, 2009 | 20 comments
23. Xmonad 0.9 released The light, reliable, extensible tiling window manager (xmonad.wordpress.com)
44 points by dons on Oct 26, 2009 | 47 comments
24. The SSD Improv (anandtech.com)
40 points by pieter on Oct 26, 2009 | 17 comments
25. What are financial derivatives? (bentilly.blogspot.com)
36 points by btilly on Oct 26, 2009 | 15 comments
26. Microsoft, Google and the Bear (nytimes.com)
36 points by Flemlord on Oct 26, 2009 | 16 comments
27. Lessons for Software Developers from Robert Heinlein (javaworld.com)
35 points by fogus on Oct 26, 2009
28. Ask HN: Who changed your life?
34 points by fretlessjazz on Oct 26, 2009 | 33 comments
29. Big Cellphone Makers Shifting to Android (nytimes.com)
33 points by kcy on Oct 26, 2009 | 7 comments
30. Facebook's Memcached Multiget Hole: More machines = More Capacity (highscalability.com)
33 points by vijaydev on Oct 26, 2009 | 16 comments

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