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Stories from April 21, 2022
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1. Overhauling Mario 64's code to reach 30 FPS and render 6x faster on N64 [video] (youtube.com)
699 points by kibwen on April 18, 2022 | 260 comments
2. Apple Discontinues macOS Server (support.apple.com)
587 points by sharjeelsayed on April 21, 2022 | 360 comments
3. Column – a chartered bank for developers (column.com)
825 points by whockey on April 21, 2022 | 282 comments
4. A YouTuber purposely crashed his plane in California, FAA says (nytimes.com)
666 points by chrononaut on April 21, 2022 | 436 comments
5. Web color is still broken (webcolorisstillbroken.com)
643 points by Aissen on April 21, 2022 | 200 comments
6. The U.S.S. Akron and U.S.S. Macon, America's “flying aircraft carriers” (airships.net)
297 points by ilamont on April 21, 2022 | 184 comments
7. TX-6 – Teenage Engineering (teenage.engineering)
434 points by yurivish on April 21, 2022 | 328 comments
8. Go will use pdqsort in next release (github.com/golang)
433 points by ngaut on April 21, 2022 | 122 comments
9. Listerine Mouthwash Royalties (royaltyexchange.com)
235 points by hodder on April 21, 2022 | 193 comments
10. What chords do you need? (jefftk.com)
318 points by janvdberg on April 21, 2022 | 213 comments
11. Ask HN: Do you use an optimization solver? Which one? Do you like it?
283 points by ryan-nextmv on April 20, 2022 | 153 comments
12. Python’s “type hints” are a bit of a disappointment to me (uninformativ.de)
338 points by zdw on April 21, 2022 | 585 comments
13. The Birth of Tcl (tcl.tk)
187 points by timthorn on April 21, 2022 | 99 comments
14. The unreasonable fight for municipal broadband (tylercipriani.com)
357 points by thcipriani on April 20, 2022 | 121 comments
15. Panic Playdate Review (cnet.com)
181 points by wallflower on April 19, 2022 | 175 comments
16. Turning scrap copper into beautiful crystals (crystalverse.com)
309 points by jamesy0ung on April 21, 2022 | 41 comments
17. How Postgres chooses which index to use for a query (pganalyze.com)
300 points by tosh on April 21, 2022 | 76 comments
18. K-9 Mail 6.000 (k9mail.app)
187 points by tweetle_beetle on April 21, 2022 | 81 comments
19. Musk announces funding secured for Twitter buy (sec.gov)
450 points by coloneltcb on April 21, 2022 | 990 comments
20. GitHub: Private Profiles beta (github.blog)
188 points by judge2020 on April 21, 2022 | 124 comments
21. Art Bits from Hypercard (somnolescent.net)
135 points by todsacerdoti on April 21, 2022 | 28 comments
22. HUDS and GUIs: an inspiration resource site featuring Future User Interfaces (hudsandguis.com)
208 points by harporoeder on April 21, 2022 | 62 comments
23. In defense of swap: common misconceptions (2018) (chrisdown.name)
182 points by linsomniac on April 20, 2022 | 165 comments
24. Take the pain out of Git conflict resolution: use diff3 (2017) (nilbus.com)
191 points by harporoeder on April 18, 2022 | 64 comments
25. New blog about my journey to develop a Common Lisp 3D software (kaveh808.medium.com)
115 points by kaveh808 on April 21, 2022 | 34 comments
26. Open Source SQL Parsers (tokern.io)
125 points by EntICOnc on April 21, 2022 | 102 comments
27. Fedora considers deprecating legacy BIOS (lwn.net)
176 points by bitcharmer on April 21, 2022 | 222 comments
28. Show HN: Two-way Jira sync in a collaborative spreadsheet and Gantt (visor.us)
116 points by electric_muse on April 20, 2022 | 53 comments
29. Senators want to mandate anti-piracy technology across the web (arstechnica.com)
285 points by carride on April 21, 2022 | 190 comments
30. Managing mental health while running a startup (a16z.com)
207 points by sebg on April 21, 2022 | 123 comments

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