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Stories from March 17, 2012
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1. Stop writing classes... (pyvideo.org)
369 points by andybak on March 17, 2012 | 197 comments
2. Handbook of Text manipulation on Unix (ibm.com)
316 points by AbyCodes on March 17, 2012 | 23 comments
3. An entire Mobile OS built using HTML, CSS and JS - by Mozilla (dzone.com)
289 points by Mamady on March 17, 2012 | 112 comments
4. Ambient bus arrival monitor from hacked Linksys WRT54GL (jgc.org)
273 points by jgrahamc on March 17, 2012 | 48 comments
5. A Guide to Python's Magic Methods (rafekettler.com)
234 points by cskau on March 17, 2012 | 27 comments
6. Ingo Molnar on what ails the Linux desktop (plus.google.com)
205 points by keyist on March 17, 2012 | 191 comments
7. Sad but true: Napster '99 still smokes Spotify 2012 (theregister.co.uk)
206 points by borism on March 17, 2012 | 88 comments
8. Linux Directory Structure (File System Structure) Explained with Examples (thegeekstuff.com)
182 points by skala on March 17, 2012 | 24 comments
9. The C Conference (cconf.github.com)
165 points by zdw on March 17, 2012 | 36 comments
10. Linux kernel performance: Flame Graphs (dtrace.org)
148 points by brendangregg on March 17, 2012 | 4 comments
11. Smoothie Charts: a small javascript charting library for live streaming data (smoothiecharts.org)
148 points by gbaygon on March 17, 2012 | 15 comments
12. Poll: Which text editor do you use daily?
151 points by methoddk on March 17, 2012 | 200 comments
13. SICP (Python Version) (eecs.berkeley.edu)
142 points by ekm2 on March 17, 2012 | 18 comments
14. Add Syntax Highlighting To Your Blog With VIM (alexanderle.com)
134 points by alexcsm on March 17, 2012 | 39 comments
15. Introducing Instapaper 4.1 for iPhone, iPad (marco.org)
133 points by evanwalsh on March 17, 2012 | 57 comments
16. Too Much SEO? Google’s Working On An “Over-Optimization” Penalty For That (searchengineland.com)
131 points by ilamont on March 17, 2012 | 125 comments
17. Keymaster.js: micro-library to add keyboard shortcuts (github.com/madrobby)
119 points by gbaygon on March 17, 2012 | 19 comments
18. Assange 'to run for Australian senate' (aljazeera.com)
115 points by sathishmanohar on March 17, 2012 | 39 comments
19. What I hate about “beginner” programming books (allfuzzy.tumblr.com)
113 points by jsnk on March 17, 2012 | 40 comments
20. Microjs: an index of javascript micro frameworks (microjs.com)
104 points by gbaygon on March 17, 2012 | 26 comments
21. Why we didn't use a bloom filter (dr-josiah.blogspot.com)
102 points by DrJosiah on March 17, 2012 | 36 comments
22. The Ruby Refresher (muthanna.com)
89 points by Garbage on March 17, 2012 | 10 comments
23. Pure CSS Clickable Events Without :target (ryancollins.me)
79 points by dwynings on March 17, 2012 | 15 comments
24. Bitcoin War: The First Real Threat to Bitcoin? (privateinternetaccess.com)
74 points by rasengan on March 17, 2012 | 44 comments
25. JavaScript Performance MythBusters (via jsPerf) (docs.google.com)
69 points by tilt on March 17, 2012 | 23 comments
26. The fall of Big Paper (forbes.com/sites/venkateshrao)
67 points by jbellis on March 17, 2012 | 26 comments
27. CyanogenMod 9 will have root disabled by default (cyanogenmod.com)
62 points by jhack on March 17, 2012 | 21 comments
28. Just How Big Are The Eyes Of A Giant Squid? (npr.org)
62 points by tokenadult on March 17, 2012 | 12 comments
29. Support the Jobs Act and ease regulations on startups and investors (angel.co)
59 points by DanielRibeiro on March 17, 2012 | 31 comments
30. Mountain Lion now protects your contacts (dcurt.is)
60 points by dwynings on March 17, 2012 | 14 comments

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