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Stories from October 22, 2013
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1. How to lose $172,222 a second for 45 minutes (pythonsweetness.tumblr.com)
613 points by _wmd on Oct 22, 2013 | 236 comments
2. Apple Says New OS X ‘Mavericks’ Will Be Offered for Free (barrons.com)
414 points by jdmitch on Oct 22, 2013 | 351 comments
3. OS X 10.9 Mavericks: The Ars Technica Review (arstechnica.com)
398 points by cwe on Oct 22, 2013 | 215 comments
4. USB Implementers Forum Says No to Open Source (hackaday.com)
305 points by p4bl0 on Oct 22, 2013 | 95 comments
5. Explicit bootstrapping of pip in Python installations (python.org)
298 points by oellegaard on Oct 22, 2013 | 77 comments
6. 37signals Works Remotely [video] (37signals.com)
285 points by wlll on Oct 22, 2013 | 172 comments
7. Russian programmer fights Goldman Sachs and wins one round (marketwatch.com)
240 points by gkuan on Oct 22, 2013 | 134 comments
8. How to Tango with Django: A Python Django Tutorial (tangowithdjango.com)
233 points by pajju on Oct 22, 2013 | 68 comments
9. Amazon's minimum order size for free shipping is now $35 (amazon.com)
216 points by blackjack48 on Oct 22, 2013 | 207 comments
10. How I made an Android game from scratch in 23 days (bigosaur.com)
218 points by babuskov on Oct 22, 2013 | 48 comments
11. A Haskell kernel for IPython (github.com/gibiansky)
208 points by lelf on Oct 22, 2013 | 31 comments
12. Google announces uProxy (engadget.com)
211 points by Anon84 on Oct 22, 2013 | 152 comments
13. Dawn of Autonomous Corporations, Powered by Bitcoin (btcgeek.com)
203 points by sidko on Oct 22, 2013 | 203 comments
14. Why the last 20% of work takes the same amount of time as the first 80% (matvoz.com)
192 points by matvoz on Oct 22, 2013 | 52 comments
15. What happened to Priceonomics? (danieru.com)
184 points by Danieru on Oct 22, 2013 | 58 comments
16. Ogg founder moves to Mozilla to work on new video codec (gigaom.com)
183 points by bsimpson on Oct 22, 2013 | 39 comments
17. The way government does tech is outdated and risky (washingtonpost.com)
169 points by madelfio on Oct 22, 2013 | 136 comments
18. iPad Air (arstechnica.com)
168 points by druidsbane on Oct 22, 2013 | 279 comments
19. Bitcoin breaks $200 (coinbase.com)
168 points by conductr on Oct 22, 2013 | 201 comments
20. $2,999 Mac Pro to go on sale in December (arstechnica.com)
132 points by _ks3e on Oct 22, 2013 | 195 comments
21. In Firefox 24 and following, mark all versions of Java as unsafe (bugzilla.mozilla.org)
124 points by y0ghur7_xxx on Oct 22, 2013 | 179 comments
22. The humble USB cable is part of an electrical revolution (economist.com)
123 points by JumpCrisscross on Oct 22, 2013 | 105 comments
23. Argue well by losing (haacked.com)
117 points by levosmetalo on Oct 22, 2013 | 37 comments
24. PhpStorm 7.0 final release is here (jetbrains.com)
118 points by rdemmer on Oct 22, 2013 | 77 comments
25. Let’s get serious about ES6 generator functions (facebook.github.io)
112 points by jamesgpearce on Oct 22, 2013 | 41 comments
26. OS X Mavericks App Store link (itunes.apple.com)
109 points by zacharytamas on Oct 22, 2013 | 83 comments
27. A new HTML5 Admin Teamplate (html5admin.com)
101 points by ricricucit on Oct 22, 2013 | 110 comments
28. Fructose: The Poison Index (theguardian.com)
101 points by JPKab on Oct 22, 2013 | 106 comments
29. Apple Special Event October 2013 Live Stream (apple.com)
101 points by gertjanzwartjes on Oct 22, 2013 | 91 comments
30. Unboxing and setting up the Firefox OS ZTE (danieru.com)
94 points by Danieru on Oct 22, 2013 | 41 comments

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