1. | | Choose hotels by the quality of their WiFi (hotelwifitest.com) |
671 points by gozmike on July 24, 2014 | 237 comments
2. | | Trello Spins Out of Fog Creek With $10.3M (wsj.com) |
590 points by moritzplassnig on July 24, 2014 | 162 comments
3. | | Math Intuition Cheatsheet (betterexplained.com) |
478 points by jgrodziski on July 24, 2014 | 64 comments
4. | | Why blurring sensitive information is a bad idea (2007) (dheera.net) |
265 points by Schiphol on July 24, 2014 | 124 comments
5. | | A Conference Stole My Identity (futurestack.com) |
237 points by jballanc on July 24, 2014 | 142 comments
6. | | Google’s $1B purchase of Twitch confirmed (venturebeat.com) |
237 points by owenwil on July 24, 2014 | 96 comments
7. | | Near Miss: The Solar Superstorm of July 2012 (nasa.gov) |
234 points by jamessun on July 24, 2014 | 157 comments
8. | | Show HN: Streisand – Silence censorship, automate the effect (github.com/jlund) |
234 points by jlund on July 24, 2014 | 52 comments
9. | | Gog.com Now Supports Linux (gog.com) |
225 points by oal on July 24, 2014 | 58 comments
10. | | Trello, Inc (joelonsoftware.com) |
197 points by kissgyorgy on July 24, 2014 | 25 comments
11. | | Washington, Minnesota officially endorse a “safer, faster” traffic merge (arstechnica.com) |
179 points by smacktoward on July 24, 2014 | 200 comments
12. | | Ray, the self-driving forklift that is parking cars at a German airport (washingtonpost.com) |
179 points by digisth on July 24, 2014 | 75 comments
13. | | CSS One-Liners (alistapart.com) |
162 points by Brajeshwar on July 24, 2014 | 54 comments
14. | | How to move a 200-ton spectrometer across Europe (fogonazos.es) |
157 points by lelf on July 24, 2014 | 49 comments
15. | | The new Cloud9 development environment (c9.io) |
190 points by ivarpruijn on July 24, 2014 | 73 comments
16. | | A Face Recognition Algorithm That Finally Outperforms Humans (medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog) |
147 points by Mz on July 24, 2014 | 31 comments
17. | | ISPs are spending less on their networks as they make more money off them (washingtonpost.com) |
156 points by markmassie on July 24, 2014 | 71 comments
18. | | Master Emacs in one year (github.com/redguardtoo) |
145 points by dgellow on July 24, 2014 | 116 comments
19. | | HN Hiring mapped (gaganpreet.github.io) |
132 points by rullopat on July 24, 2014 | 26 comments
20. | | “You're not allowed science any more” (nature.com) |
127 points by thisjepisje on July 24, 2014 | 158 comments
21. | | Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA (aljazeera.com) |
127 points by chmars on July 24, 2014 | 32 comments
22. | | Open sourcing our email signature parsing library (mailgun.com) |
130 points by orliesaurus on July 24, 2014 | 20 comments
23. | | European Court Says CIA Ran Secret Jail in a Polish Forest (nytimes.com) |
124 points by reirob on July 24, 2014 | 48 comments
24. | | India’s Answer to Google Glass: The Smartshoe (wsj.com) |
138 points by skbohra123 on July 24, 2014 | 64 comments
25. | | A Closer Look at Transit (swannodette.github.io) |
122 points by _halgari on July 24, 2014 | 36 comments
26. | | Ask HN: Do bootstrapped billion-dollar companies exist? |
107 points by mdunn on July 24, 2014 | 134 comments
27. | | Our Startup Would Probably Die If We Were In San Francisco (needwant.com) |
103 points by marshallhaas on July 24, 2014 | 69 comments
28. | | Notorious Airbnb squatter may be the dev behind two flailing Kickstarter games (polygon.com) |
95 points by smacktoward on July 24, 2014 | 90 comments
29. | | Joel Spolsky's business operating system (pixelmonkey.org) |
93 points by pixelmonkey on July 24, 2014 | 17 comments
30. | | Burger King's CEO Is 33 (businessweek.com) |
90 points by AVTizzle on July 24, 2014 | 74 comments
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