1. | | Estimate your English vocabulary size (testyourvocab.com) |
318 points by mike_esspe on July 17, 2011 | 311 comments
2. | | Skeleton: A Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development (getskeleton.com) |
271 points by wslh on July 17, 2011 | 32 comments
3. | | Why My Father Hated India (wsj.com) |
241 points by watchandwait on July 17, 2011 | 112 comments
4. | | Bottle: Single-File Python Web Framework (bottlepy.org) |
213 points by dpatru on July 17, 2011 | 52 comments
5. | | Refuse to be terrorized (2006) (wired.com) |
207 points by iwwr on July 17, 2011 | 83 comments
6. | | Build your own operating system (himmele.blogspot.com) |
204 points by DanielHimmelein on July 17, 2011 | 20 comments
7. | | Firebug lead developer now working on Web dev tools at Google (groups.google.com) |
205 points by tbassetto on July 17, 2011 | 87 comments
8. | | Plan9 has been forked: 9front (cat-v.org) |
150 points by zmmz on July 17, 2011 | 36 comments
9. | | Why Quora is in trouble (attackofdesign.com) |
143 points by sgdesign on July 17, 2011 | 83 comments
10. | | Replication, atomicity and order in distributed systems (afeinberg.github.com) |
138 points by strlen on July 17, 2011 | 6 comments
11. | | About elnode - EmacsLisp version of node.js (ferrier.me.uk) |
119 points by nicferrier on July 17, 2011 | 22 comments
12. | | Learn Core Python in a Week – My Way (curphey.com) |
117 points by curphey on July 17, 2011 | 26 comments
13. | | Where the fuck is this (wherethefuckisthis.com) |
111 points by albertzeyer on July 17, 2011 | 63 comments
14. | | Microsoft contributes a lot of changes to Linux kernel 3.0 (h-online.com) |
111 points by yarapavan on July 17, 2011 | 33 comments
15. | | Just work hard (thehundreds.com) |
111 points by antigua on July 17, 2011 | 41 comments
16. | | Ray, a Ruby game library (mon-ouie.github.com) |
98 points by mberube on July 17, 2011 | 18 comments
17. | | How the Air Conditioner Made Modern America (theatlantic.com) |
89 points by mattraibert on July 17, 2011 | 56 comments
18. | | Shower - nice cross browser presentation template (pepelsbey.github.com) |
83 points by mars on July 17, 2011 | 27 comments
19. | | Hadoop & Startups (techcrunch.com) |
80 points by drusenko on July 17, 2011 | 7 comments
20. | | An incomplete list of HN collaborative Google Docs/Spreadsheets |
77 points by thesethings on July 17, 2011 | 12 comments
21. | | Does one have to be a genius to do maths? (terrytao.wordpress.com) |
74 points by tokenadult on July 17, 2011 | 20 comments
22. | | Show HN: I built an app to improve your Vocabulary (wordstash.com) |
69 points by TenJack on July 17, 2011 | 51 comments
23. | | Facial recognition false positives lead to license revocations in Massachusetts (boston.com) |
65 points by ilamont on July 17, 2011 | 34 comments
24. | | How John Perry Barlow gained enlightenment and lost his mind on acid (synergeticpress.com) |
61 points by Alex3917 on July 17, 2011 | 28 comments
25. | | Kivy: python UI framework. GPU accelerated, multi-input (win,osx,lin,android) |
62 points by tehansen on July 17, 2011 | 18 comments
26. | | Ruby Arduino Development (rubyforge.org) |
61 points by freedrull on July 17, 2011 | 19 comments
27. | | Ask HN: What do you do on the weekends? |
58 points by mburney on July 17, 2011 | 70 comments
28. | | Last.fm web site primary and failover down (last.fm) |
51 points by Hoff on July 17, 2011 | 22 comments
29. | | Stories about bootstrapping startups (wahlforss.com) |
48 points by jwagener on July 17, 2011 | 4 comments
30. | | Larry Page Calls Out Facebook For Lack Of Social Data Portability (tcfast.com) |
47 points by tcfast on July 17, 2011 | 36 comments
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