1. | | Which of these Amazon Prime purchases are real? (thewirecutter.com) |
853 points by zdw on Feb 21, 2020 | 408 comments
2. | | Show HN: Search code in GitHub repos using regular expressions (grep.app) |
614 points by danfox on Feb 23, 2020 | 155 comments
3. | | Guide to running Elasticsearch in production (facinating.tech) |
684 points by thunderbong on Feb 23, 2020 | 158 comments
4. | | Monobloc chair (wikipedia.org) |
381 points by ZeljkoS on Feb 22, 2020 | 117 comments
5. | | Learn TLA+ (2018) (learntla.com) |
310 points by Twirrim on Feb 22, 2020 | 58 comments
6. | | Spain builds submarine 70 tons too heavy due to wrong decimal (2013) (canada.com) |
281 points by EndXA on Feb 23, 2020 | 216 comments
7. | | Inrupt, Tim Berners-Lee's Solid, and Me (schneier.com) |
384 points by 9nGQluzmnq3M on Feb 23, 2020 | 181 comments
8. | | My Startup Failed, So We Open-Sourced the Tech (veniqa.com) |
337 points by Viveckh on Feb 22, 2020 | 144 comments
9. | | Haven: turn old Android phones into security cameras (github.com/guardianproject) |
389 points by tosh on Feb 23, 2020 | 131 comments
10. | | Routed Gothic Font (webonastick.com) |
346 points by dector on Feb 23, 2020 | 57 comments
11. | | Should you self-host Google Fonts? (tunetheweb.com) |
289 points by bewuethr on Feb 23, 2020 | 155 comments
12. | | Fast Differentiable Sorting and Ranking (arxiv.org) |
263 points by etaioinshrdlu on Feb 22, 2020 | 41 comments
13. | | The BBC’s attempt to build a Netflix-style service was snuffed by regulation (wired.co.uk) |
167 points by open-source-ux on Feb 23, 2020 | 192 comments
14. | | Fruit Walls: Urban Farming in the 1600s (2015) (lowtechmagazine.com) |
223 points by ciconia on Feb 23, 2020 | 58 comments
15. | | A video game that lets you make video games (newyorker.com) |
218 points by undefined1 on Feb 23, 2020 | 79 comments
16. | | Why does WebAssembly need the relooper algorithm, instead of gotos? (2019) (troubles.md) |
144 points by tbodt on Feb 23, 2020 | 54 comments
17. | | Nim Community Survey 2019 Results (nim-lang.org) |
147 points by open-source-ux on Feb 23, 2020 | 84 comments
18. | | Prepared statements and their surprising performance implications (soykaf.com) |
138 points by panic on Feb 23, 2020 | 36 comments
19. | | Myst: the Drawbacks to Success (filfre.net) |
125 points by zdw on Feb 22, 2020 | 67 comments
20. | | Physicists captured individual atoms and observed them merge into a molecule (otago.ac.nz) |
123 points by martonlanga on Feb 22, 2020 | 26 comments
21. | | The Newton Application Architecture (1994) [pdf] (waltersmith.us) |
79 points by adamnemecek on Feb 23, 2020 | 37 comments
22. | | The Zen of Go (cheney.net) |
328 points by sagichmal on Feb 23, 2020 | 333 comments
23. | | Modern Data Lakes Overview (developer.sh) |
116 points by developersh on Feb 23, 2020 | 62 comments
24. | | Languages of the Ottoman Empire (wikipedia.org) |
87 points by keiferski on Feb 22, 2020 | 18 comments
25. | | Show HN: WeKeep – A spreadsheets-first accounting software (wekeep.co) |
87 points by nadima on Feb 22, 2020 | 40 comments
26. | | Proxyman – native HTTP/HTTPS requests observation and manipulation app (proxyman.io) |
135 points by guessmyname on Feb 23, 2020 | 45 comments
27. | | Crystallization robot generates true random numbers via chemistry stochasticity (cell.com) |
68 points by bookofjoe on Feb 21, 2020 | 49 comments
28. | | Go-flavored Pascal: A small embeddable self-hosting Pascal compiler for Windows (github.com/vtereshkov) |
81 points by tomcam on Feb 23, 2020 | 9 comments
29. | | Internet in a Box (revk.uk) |
102 points by madaxe_again on Feb 23, 2020 | 27 comments
30. | | Production-Oriented Development (medium.com/paulosman) |
115 points by jgrodziski on Feb 23, 2020 | 62 comments
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