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Stories from November 5, 2013
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1. We Work Remotely – New Job Board from 37 Signals (weworkremotely.com)
599 points by narfz on Nov 5, 2013 | 254 comments
2. Apple hides a Patriot-Act-busting "warrant canary" in its transparency report (boingboing.net)
380 points by e1ven on Nov 5, 2013 | 214 comments
3. Mangalyaan, India’s First Mars Mission (nextbigwhat.com)
368 points by jayadevan on Nov 5, 2013 | 146 comments
4. Statistics Done Wrong – The woefully complete guide (refsmmat.com)
331 points by bowyakka on Nov 5, 2013 | 70 comments
5. Everpix was great. This is how it died (theverge.com)
320 points by coloneltcb on Nov 5, 2013 | 258 comments
6. Let's have coffee. (tgriff3.com)
299 points by tg3 on Nov 5, 2013 | 142 comments
7. MacKenzie Bezos Writes Amazon Review for Jeff Bezos Biography (amazon.com)
255 points by singular on Nov 5, 2013 | 157 comments
8. A Critique of Lavabit (thoughtcrime.org)
245 points by tptacek on Nov 5, 2013 | 118 comments
9. Debian: Change default desktop to xfce (debian.org)
218 points by r0muald on Nov 5, 2013 | 152 comments
10. Dear Google, Thanks For Copying My Startup But You’re Doing It All Wrong (willweinraub.com)
196 points by willaaye on Nov 5, 2013 | 129 comments
11. We're going to send out invitations to YC interviews close to midnight
181 points by pg on Nov 5, 2013 | 119 comments
12. Angular Announces AngularDart (dartlang.org)
181 points by mushishi on Nov 5, 2013 | 175 comments
13. Introducing Google Helpouts (googleblog.blogspot.com)
173 points by hiroaki on Nov 5, 2013 | 115 comments
14. Tap your iPhone to unlock your Mac (knocktounlock.com)
160 points by jamesmoss on Nov 5, 2013 | 163 comments
15. South Korea is stuck with Internet Explorer for online shopping (washingtonpost.com)
154 points by nichol4s on Nov 5, 2013 | 159 comments
16. InfluxDB – Open-source distributed time-series, events, and metrics database (influxdb.org)
162 points by mnutt on Nov 5, 2013 | 76 comments
17. Bigger than Google Fiber: LA plans citywide gigabit for homes and businesses (arstechnica.com)
155 points by shawndumas on Nov 5, 2013 | 59 comments
18. Features Firefox should implement to weaken Facebook's stranglehold of the web (forteller.net)
146 points by forteller on Nov 5, 2013 | 104 comments
19. Adobe confirms stolen passwords were encrypted, not hashed (csoonline.com)
149 points by monsterix on Nov 5, 2013 | 107 comments
20. Show HN: No YC interview, but here's my application (penflip.com)
148 points by guynamedloren on Nov 5, 2013 | 92 comments
21. Programmable 6,000-Part Drawing Boy Automaton Built 240 Years Ago (thisiscolossal.com)
138 points by nzp on Nov 5, 2013 | 39 comments
22. Everpix is Shutting Down (everpix.com)
139 points by uptown on Nov 5, 2013 | 89 comments
23. Things You Should Know About AWS (highscalability.com)
130 points by jpmc on Nov 5, 2013 | 50 comments
24. Nexus 5 Teardown (ifixit.com)
124 points by mmastrac on Nov 5, 2013 | 118 comments
25. The World Chess Championship is an anachronism (slate.com)
118 points by ssclafani on Nov 5, 2013 | 73 comments
26. Do “Shitty” Work (ryanhoover.me)
116 points by honzzz on Nov 5, 2013 | 28 comments
27. How Minecraft Was Born (wired.com)
114 points by Libertatea on Nov 5, 2013 | 71 comments
28. On Game Development (silvrback.com)
105 points by akbiggs on Nov 5, 2013 | 55 comments
29. Mercurial 2.8 Released (selenic.com)
105 points by japaget on Nov 5, 2013 | 124 comments
30. History of the browser user-agent string (webaim.org)
100 points by bhaisaab on Nov 5, 2013 | 32 comments

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