1. | | MusicForProgramming(); (musicforprogramming.net) |
411 points by seanplaice on Feb 3, 2012 | 180 comments
2. | | Facebook hit git performance issue on large repository (gmane.org) |
378 points by kaeso on Feb 3, 2012 | 205 comments
3. | | Hackful - A Hacker News for Europe (hackful.com) |
340 points by rayhano on Feb 3, 2012 | 165 comments
4. | | Never Make Counter-Offers (bramcohen.com) |
324 points by floetic on Feb 3, 2012 | 143 comments
5. | | My U.S. Border Nightmare (zakhomuth.com) |
320 points by srl on Feb 3, 2012 | 265 comments
6. | | Yale Discovers a Fungus That Eats Plastic (pcworld.com) |
284 points by MRonney on Feb 3, 2012 | 80 comments
7. | | "They're Made out of Meat?" Short first contact sci-fi story (terrybisson.com) |
278 points by JumpCrisscross on Feb 3, 2012 | 62 comments
8. | | Anonymous intercepts confidential conference call between FBI and Scotland Yard (wsj.com) |
262 points by tmrhmdv on Feb 3, 2012 | 96 comments
9. | | Reuters totally clueless about the meaning of "hacking" (reuters.com) |
215 points by jchung on Feb 3, 2012 | 80 comments
10. | | Mac OSX Lion's scroll breaks the web (micho.biz) |
210 points by michokest on Feb 3, 2012 | 157 comments
11. | | Polish Prime Minister suspends the ACTA ratification (googleusercontent.com) |
164 points by kolinko on Feb 3, 2012 | 24 comments
12. | | The 'Startup Boom' is a disguised jobs fair for big corporations (zdnet.com) |
158 points by hkarthik on Feb 3, 2012 | 83 comments
13. | | Why Facebook Connect Shouldn't Be Your Only Sign-in Option (bijansabet.com) |
157 points by dickersonjames on Feb 3, 2012 | 105 comments
14. | | If you're using Node.js, you're doing life wrong (codeslinger.posterous.com) |
139 points by fogus on Feb 3, 2012 | 93 comments
15. | | Show HN: my weekend project, PageBlox (pageblox.com) |
134 points by ctek on Feb 3, 2012 | 32 comments
16. | | The Redis Manifesto (antirez.com) |
131 points by Rust on Feb 3, 2012 | 5 comments
17. | | The Apple Voice (zachholman.com) |
131 points by fbuilesv on Feb 3, 2012 | 29 comments
18. | | VsVim (microsoft.com) |
130 points by mmavnn on Feb 3, 2012 | 51 comments
19. | | Node.js isn't a silver bullet, but it's still a bullet. (crgwbr.com) |
124 points by crgwbr on Feb 3, 2012 | 105 comments
20. | | Introducing Times (for Python) (nvie.com) |
128 points by nvie81 on Feb 3, 2012 | 18 comments
21. | | Why You Shouldn't Hire More Developers (patchspace.co.uk) |
116 points by ashleymoran on Feb 3, 2012 | 51 comments
22. | | Tumblr introduces highlighted posts for $1 (staff.tumblr.com) |
97 points by jonathanmoore on Feb 3, 2012 | 36 comments
23. | | General principles for good URI design for RESTful and HTTP applications (stackoverflow.com) |
97 points by ibrahimcesar on Feb 3, 2012 | 38 comments
24. | | Arduino the documentary (arduinothedocumentary.org) |
96 points by paraschopra on Feb 3, 2012 | 6 comments
25. | | Show HN We just launched forking for your Minecraft worlds (minefold.com) |
92 points by chrislloyd on Feb 3, 2012 | 20 comments
26. | | GHC 7.4.1 is out. Now with kind polymorphism. Here's the release notes (haskell.org) |
93 points by dons on Feb 3, 2012 | 9 comments
27. | | Clojure/core — Functional Relational Programming with Cascalog (clojure.com) |
90 points by fogus on Feb 3, 2012 | 4 comments
28. | | Poll: What mobile HTML5 framework do you use? |
90 points by lacker on Feb 3, 2012 | 57 comments
29. | | SPDY Brings Responsive and Scalable Transport to Firefox 11 (hacks.mozilla.org) |
91 points by twapi on Feb 3, 2012 | 43 comments
30. | | Mozilla developing Web push notification system for Firefox (arstechnica.com) |
87 points by tambourine_man on Feb 3, 2012 | 26 comments
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