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Stories from August 3, 2012
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1. SpaceX wins $440M contract with NASA to develop Space Shuttle successor (spaceflightnow.com)
564 points by natep on Aug 3, 2012 | 180 comments
2. Rob Pike: the origin of dotfiles (plus.google.com)
470 points by keyist on Aug 3, 2012 | 153 comments
3. Why Valve? Or, what do we need corporations for.. (valvesoftware.com)
331 points by liquid_x on Aug 3, 2012 | 159 comments
4. Thanks to Quora, now you can’t read anonymously (gigaom.com)
290 points by ColinWright on Aug 3, 2012 | 178 comments
5. Student Is Sanctioned for Creating Class-Registration Web Site (ucouldfinish.com)
243 points by robertwalsh0 on Aug 3, 2012 | 112 comments
6. Google crackdown catches innocent devs in the crossfire (wired.co.uk)
242 points by crm114 on Aug 3, 2012 | 118 comments
7. Pie charts in your favicon (lipka.github.com)
232 points by johntdyer on Aug 3, 2012 | 33 comments
8. One of Apple’s Best Ideas Ever — Made Worse (nytimes.com)
236 points by adrianmsmith on Aug 3, 2012 | 135 comments
9. Why Men Can't Have It All (relevantmagazine.com)
227 points by mtoddh on Aug 3, 2012 | 227 comments
10. One Bad “Policy Change” Email Can Kill Company Culture (moz.com)
181 points by trevin on Aug 3, 2012 | 92 comments
11. Microsoft abandon Metro name due to legal challenge (loopinsight.com)
168 points by i386 on Aug 3, 2012 | 117 comments
12. Warsow 1.0 Released (warsow.net)
164 points by mwilcox on Aug 3, 2012 | 43 comments
13. B2B Is Unsexy, and I Know It (danshipper.com)
153 points by dshipper on Aug 3, 2012 | 83 comments
14. MySQL now includes memcached, and a plugin that allows fast NoSQL-style access (mysql.com)
149 points by alpb on Aug 3, 2012 | 43 comments
15. Letter to John Carmack (phoboslab.org)
149 points by austinhallock on Aug 3, 2012 | 133 comments
16. Who 'likes' my Virtual Bagels? (bbc.com)
149 points by luu on Aug 3, 2012 | 83 comments
17. Ask PG: Is RFS3 "Things built on Twitter" still sensible to prioritise?
147 points by sjtgraham on Aug 3, 2012 | 55 comments
18. Ten million users is the new one million users (cdixon.org)
123 points by yonasb on Aug 3, 2012 | 35 comments
19. Everything in your life is just a list (slate.com)
112 points by jessep on Aug 3, 2012 | 78 comments
20. Electronic Arts Sues Zynga, Says The Ville Is An “Unmistakable Copy” Of The Sims (techcrunch.com)
106 points by jconley on Aug 3, 2012 | 133 comments
21. Hacker School announces fall applications and residencies (hackerschool.com)
90 points by nicholasjbs on Aug 3, 2012 | 30 comments
22. HP releases more Open webOS code, including System Manager and core apps (arstechnica.com)
86 points by llambda on Aug 3, 2012 | 19 comments
23. Pixel art and the art of preserving pixel size (mrgan.tumblr.com)
85 points by thisisblurry on Aug 3, 2012 | 37 comments
24. Thinking Functionally with Haskell (pragprog.com)
84 points by Toshio on Aug 3, 2012 | 34 comments
25. Draconian ‘Wi-Fi police' stalk Olympic Games (theage.com.au)
84 points by srazzaque on Aug 3, 2012 | 86 comments
26. Ember.js 1.0 Prerelease (emberjs.com)
80 points by patr1ck on Aug 3, 2012 | 36 comments
27. How Big Data Transformed the Dairy Industry (theatlantic.com)
79 points by altrus on Aug 3, 2012 | 45 comments
28. What college rankings really tell us (newyorker.com)
76 points by boh on Aug 3, 2012 | 70 comments
29. RIM agrees to hand over its encryption keys to India (indiatimes.com)
70 points by andrewpi on Aug 3, 2012 | 20 comments
30. Python 101: An Intro to logging (pythonlibrary.org)
68 points by driscollis on Aug 3, 2012 | 16 comments

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