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Stories from June 27, 2014
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1. Android without the mothership (lwn.net)
292 points by oska on June 27, 2014 | 155 comments
2. µg: Open-source replacements of Google Apps and API on Android (github.com/microg)
271 points by Aissen on June 27, 2014 | 43 comments
3. Recovering SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Ocean Landing Video (nasaspaceflight.com)
248 points by kilroy123 on June 27, 2014 | 32 comments
4. Lisp implementation in sed (github.com/shinh)
207 points by inglesp on June 27, 2014 | 60 comments
5. Tell HN: My startup is making money and I don't know what to do
211 points by sthielen on June 27, 2014 | 128 comments
6. World Cup Follow-Up: Update of Winning Probabilities and Betting Results (wolfram.com)
206 points by etienneb on June 27, 2014 | 76 comments
7. Debunking the LZ4 "20 years old bug" myth (fastcompression.blogspot.com)
178 points by bronson on June 27, 2014 | 14 comments
8. Django 1.7 RC1 (djangoproject.com)
189 points by jsmeaton on June 27, 2014 | 107 comments
9. Apple to Cease Development of Aperture and Transition Users to Photos for OS X (techcrunch.com)
156 points by apress on June 27, 2014 | 130 comments
10. Top designers react to Google’s new ‘Material’ design language (venturebeat.com)
158 points by harrisonweber on June 27, 2014 | 78 comments
11. Undefined behavior can result in time travel (msdn.com)
150 points by ingve on June 27, 2014 | 88 comments
12. The Ghost in the MP3 (ryanmaguiremusic.com)
140 points by whalesalad on June 27, 2014 | 34 comments
13. Dart 1.5 (dartlang.org)
160 points by dboyd on June 27, 2014 | 160 comments
14. Teenage Haskell (twdkz.wordpress.com)
134 points by lelf on June 27, 2014 | 92 comments
15. Best practices in modern web projects (arvidandersson.se)
153 points by arvida on June 27, 2014 | 85 comments
16. PostgreSQL/FreeBSD performance and scalability on a 40-core machine [pdf] (kiev.ua)
131 points by tachion on June 27, 2014 | 13 comments
17. The Worst Programming Interview Question (nomachetejuggling.com)
113 points by talhof8 on June 27, 2014 | 184 comments
18. Probabilistic Models of Cognition (probmods.org)
116 points by Anon84 on June 27, 2014 | 9 comments
19. Busting Modern Hardware Myths (2013) (highscalability.com)
110 points by nkurz on June 27, 2014 | 37 comments
20. Q&A With Mt. Gox’s Karpelès: What Went Wrong? (wsj.com)
101 points by rdl on June 27, 2014 | 90 comments
21. Bitstamped (bitstamped.io)
100 points by ghosh on June 27, 2014 | 66 comments
22. Evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks (pnas.org)
100 points by danso on June 27, 2014 | 36 comments
23. Show HN: Grasswire – an Internet newsroom curated and fact-checked by everyone (grasswire.com)
115 points by austenallred on June 27, 2014 | 98 comments
24. Race Conditions == Random Number Generation (github.com/dasmithii)
91 points by dasmithii on June 27, 2014 | 50 comments
25. Is TLS Fast Yet? (istlsfastyet.com)
99 points by jgrahamc on June 27, 2014 | 113 comments
26. What Your Cell Phone Can't Tell the Police (newyorker.com)
75 points by gbl08ma on June 27, 2014 | 31 comments
27. Digital identity cards: Estonia takes the plunge (economist.com)
76 points by jkaljundi on June 27, 2014 | 77 comments
28. Last day to apply to YC Hacks (blog.ycombinator.com)
76 points by katm on June 27, 2014 | 27 comments
29. When Is It Legal to Lie in Negotiations? (1991) (sloanreview.mit.edu)
71 points by larrys on June 27, 2014 | 46 comments
30. Minimal Wikipedia redesign concept (moesalih.com)
68 points by haymills on June 27, 2014 | 50 comments

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