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Stories from May 8, 2007
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1. The Underbelly of a Web App - Lessons learned from building wufoo (particletree.com)
21 points by danw on May 8, 2007
2. James Dyson on living a life of failure - (37signals) (37signals.com)
19 points by brett on May 8, 2007
3. Hot or Not Tears Itself Apart, Reinvents (techcrunch.com)
18 points by reitzensteinm on May 8, 2007 | 1 comment
4. Interview with Alexis Ohanian, Reddit cofounder (startupstories.com)
17 points by jkush on May 8, 2007 | 2 comments
5. Natalie Portman a la justin.tv? (valleywag.com)
11 points by Sam_Odio on May 8, 2007 | 18 comments
6. Google Talk: Retire Today And Do Everything (May 5th) (gilesbowkett.blogspot.com)
11 points by mattjaynes on May 8, 2007 | 6 comments
7. Andrew Chen: An alternative to freemium? Learning from video games (andrewchen.typepad.com)
10 points by andrew_null on May 8, 2007 | 4 comments
8. The nontrepreneur ("...using the rather unfair example of Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz.") (valleywag.com)
10 points by danielha on May 8, 2007 | 6 comments
9. Paul Graham on Graphic Objects (ddj.com)
10 points by jkush on May 8, 2007 | 8 comments
10. Ubuntu going mobile (bbc.co.uk)
10 points by whacked_new on May 8, 2007 | 3 comments
11. Sun's answer to Ajax, Microsoft Silverlight (techcrunch.com)
7 points by rokhayakebe on May 8, 2007 | 2 comments
12. Startup strategies for raising convertible debt (venturehacks.com)
8 points by Sam_Odio on May 8, 2007
13. GrabaGoodDomain.com - Get a Great Domain (grabagooddomain.com)
9 points by dawie on May 8, 2007 | 7 comments
14. HOWTO: Be more productive (aaronsw.com)
7 points by bootload on May 8, 2007
15. World's Best Presentation Contest Winners Announced (guykawasaki.com)
7 points by mattjaynes on May 8, 2007
16. What hard-disk latency looks like (youtube.com)
6 points by abstractbill on May 8, 2007 | 1 comment
17. Screen Shot of Truemors: Guy Kawasaki's Rumor Service (techcrunch.com)
6 points by Sam_Odio on May 8, 2007 | 4 comments
18. Stop Twittering and Go Solve a Problem (scottburkett.com)
6 points by mattjaynes on May 8, 2007 | 3 comments
19. Traits of the best entrepreneurs (venturebeat.com)
5 points by transburgh on May 8, 2007
20. I've set up this blog for you to announce *updates* to your web 2.0 app. Send me your updates by email or post them directly to the blog. (web2loop.blogspot.com)
5 points by amichail on May 8, 2007 | 7 comments
21. Top 15 Web 2.0 Startups in Europe? (readwriteweb.com)
5 points by european on May 8, 2007
22. TheFunded: Venture Capitalist Feedback Site Lets VCs In (techcrunch.com)
5 points by mattjaynes on May 8, 2007 | 2 comments
23. Firefox 3's Cairo to compete directly with Flash and Silverlight (apcmag.com)
5 points by kf on May 8, 2007
24. Your Favorite Programming Quote (codinghorror.com)
4 points by mattjaynes on May 8, 2007
25. Aaron Swartz's Unfiltered Review of Wired's Work Environment (aaronsw.com)
4 points by mattjaynes on May 8, 2007 | 1 comment
26. I'll trade my two $50K cats for your $100K dog (YouTube vs Photobucket acquisition) (dondodge.typepad.com)
4 points by mattjaynes on May 8, 2007 | 1 comment
27. iminlikewithyou: Hot or Not for the Web Savvy (pronetadvertising.com)
4 points by koos on May 8, 2007 | 2 comments
28. A good idea is only a small part of the battle: Snipshot (startupstories.com)
4 points by bootload on May 8, 2007 | 1 comment
29. At what point do you quit your startup to find a day job?
4 points by menloparkbum on May 8, 2007 | 4 comments
30. Markus Frind Drops His $60k/yr Comscore Account for Compete.com's Free Statistics (plentyoffish.wordpress.com)
3 points by staunch on May 8, 2007 | 2 comments

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