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Stories from February 4, 2024
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1. Browser extensions are underrated: the promise of hackable software (2019) (geoffreylitt.com)
596 points by mufty 5 months ago | 311 comments
2. Beyond self-attention: How a small language model predicts the next token (shyam.blog)
474 points by tplrbv 5 months ago | 85 comments
3. Stract: Open-souce, non-profit search engine (stract.com)
437 points by FLpxpyJ 5 months ago | 108 comments
4. Why is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight? (ux.stackexchange.com)
471 points by wscourge 5 months ago | 315 comments
5. The underground world of hobby tunneling (bloomberg.com)
272 points by robinhouston 5 months ago | 163 comments
6. Finance worker pays out $25M after video call call with deepfake CFO (cnn.com)
491 points by bsdz 5 months ago | 339 comments
7. Vision Pro Teardown – Why those fake eyes look so weird (ifixit.com)
330 points by zdw 5 months ago | 349 comments
8. How Doom didn't kill the Amiga (datagubbe.se)
177 points by zdw 5 months ago | 177 comments
9. Rolling Airframe Missile (navalgazing.net)
191 points by cwillu 5 months ago | 124 comments
10. AvaloniaUI: Create Multi-Platform Apps with .NET (avaloniaui.net)
180 points by thunderbong 5 months ago | 118 comments
11. Netflix: Piracy is difficult to compete against and growing rapidly (torrentfreak.com)
462 points by notamy 5 months ago | 910 comments
12. The first amateur radio station on the moon (arrl.org)
161 points by Stratoscope 5 months ago | 23 comments
13. ProofWiki: Online compendium of mathematical proofs (proofwiki.org)
154 points by Tomte 5 months ago | 32 comments
14. Dijkstra's interview on Dutch TV (2000) (pncnmnp.github.io)
139 points by pncnmnp 5 months ago | 91 comments
15. How the codpiece flopped (bbc.com)
138 points by rntn 5 months ago | 63 comments
16. Interpreting neural networks through the polytope lens (2022) (lesswrong.com)
80 points by sva_ 5 months ago | 7 comments
17. Gödel, Escher, Bach is the most influential book in my life (2022) (philosophygeek.medium.com)
388 points by drcwpl 5 months ago | 318 comments
18. Plastic bag bans work (zmescience.com)
264 points by Brajeshwar 5 months ago | 575 comments
19. 41 Years in UX: A Career Retrospective (uxtigers.com)
135 points by ravirajx7 5 months ago | 69 comments
20. Solving the darknet riddle (2022) (sizeof.life)
122 points by FLpxpyJ 5 months ago | 28 comments
21. How to Replace Your CPAP in Only 666 Days (aphyr.com)
357 points by tl 5 months ago | 263 comments
22. Rye: A Vision Continued (pocoo.org)
182 points by ksbrooksjr 5 months ago | 42 comments
23. Keeler's Theory of Plot (xavier.edu)
54 points by riffraff 5 months ago | 5 comments
24. Bernoulli's Principle Applied to Firefighting – Box Alarm Training (boxalarmtraining.com)
52 points by thunderbong 5 months ago | 10 comments
25. Nuclear power saved Armenia (thebulletin.org)
143 points by pseudolus 5 months ago | 79 comments
26. In 1950, a U.S. troop plane vanished without a trace in the Yukon (cbc.ca)
107 points by geox 5 months ago | 58 comments
27. Write code for the web (mrmr.io)
446 points by mnvrth 5 months ago | 358 comments
28. 60-Bit Computing (2022) (thechipletter.substack.com)
77 points by klelatti 5 months ago | 73 comments
29. A reasonable configuration language (ruudvanasseldonk.com)
141 points by todsacerdoti 5 months ago | 109 comments
30. Introduction to Thompson Sampling: The Bernoulli Bandit (2017) (gdmarmerola.github.io)
57 points by pncnmnp 5 months ago | 13 comments

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