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Stories from August 30, 2017
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1. A camera that snaps a GIF and ejects a cartridge that displays it (imgur.com)
1480 points by wyldfire on Aug 30, 2017 | 296 comments
2. Headless mode in Firefox (developer.mozilla.org)
817 points by Vinnl on Aug 30, 2017 | 182 comments
3. Google Critic Ousted from Think Tank Funded by the Tech Giant (nytimes.com)
793 points by runesoerensen on Aug 30, 2017 | 448 comments
4. How Not to Sort by Average Rating (2009) (evanmiller.org)
383 points by Aqwis on Aug 30, 2017 | 156 comments
5. Intro to Low-Level Graphics on Linux (betteros.org)
370 points by mabynogy on Aug 30, 2017 | 108 comments
6. Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree (acm.org)
306 points by kushti on Aug 30, 2017 | 142 comments
7. How the GDPR Will Disrupt Google and Facebook (pagefair.com)
371 points by cpeterso on Aug 30, 2017 | 346 comments
8. Hardening the Kernel in Android Oreo (googleblog.com)
223 points by ingve on Aug 30, 2017 | 103 comments
9. Concurrent JavaScript: It can work (webkit.org)
270 points by stablemap on Aug 30, 2017 | 186 comments
10. Rayton Solar: Legitimate Investment or Scam? (medium.com/truth-review)
104 points by johncoogan on Aug 30, 2017 | 62 comments
11. What We Get Wrong About Technology (timharford.com)
297 points by MikeTaylor on Aug 29, 2017 | 122 comments
12. Introducing .NET IL Linker (github.com/dotnet)
192 points by jsingleton on Aug 30, 2017 | 75 comments
13. Lisk: Blockchain development in JavaScript (lisk.io)
186 points by omarchowdhury on Aug 30, 2017 | 104 comments
14. A Floating Mass of Fire Ants in Texas (theatlantic.com)
195 points by azuajef on Aug 30, 2017 | 162 comments
15. Berlin Is Becoming a Sponge City [video] (youtube.com)
214 points by flohrian on Aug 30, 2017 | 66 comments
16. Restic Cryptography (filippo.io)
105 points by FiloSottile on Aug 30, 2017 | 36 comments
17. The Art of Philosophy: Visualising Aristotle in Early 17th-Century Paris (publicdomainreview.org)
67 points by pepys on Aug 30, 2017
18. U.S. probes Uber for possible bribery law violations (reuters.com)
210 points by zeep on Aug 29, 2017 | 69 comments
19. The life and death of a startup (cecinestpasun.com)
267 points by j_s on Aug 30, 2017 | 63 comments
20. What on earth possessed me... (2008) (fontforge.github.io)
105 points by evolve2k on Aug 30, 2017 | 34 comments
21. Roamer: A Plain-Text File Manager (github.com/abaldwin88)
174 points by tetraodonpuffer on Aug 29, 2017 | 66 comments
22. Multiple vulnerabilities in RubyGems (ruby-lang.org)
189 points by omarish on Aug 29, 2017 | 36 comments
23. How V8 handles JavaScript properties internally (v8project.blogspot.com)
122 points by ingve on Aug 30, 2017 | 41 comments
24. Show HN: An API to provision custom hostnames with SSL
90 points by mrkurt on Aug 30, 2017 | 35 comments
25. Candy Japan total sales cross $1M (candyjapan.com)
206 points by myth_drannon on Aug 30, 2017 | 154 comments
26. Gigster raises $20M from investors including Marc Benioff and Michael Jordan (businessinsider.com)
99 points by cefthurston on Aug 29, 2017 | 49 comments
27. Reducing Python's startup time (lwn.net)
219 points by vanni on Aug 30, 2017 | 161 comments
28. Facebook is steering users to donate to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy (buzzfeed.com)
112 points by coloneltcb on Aug 29, 2017 | 66 comments
29. Engineering Uber's Self-Driving Car Visualization Platform for the Web (uber.com)
98 points by cysin on Aug 30, 2017 | 18 comments
30. The Last Glacier of Venezuela (jstor.org)
62 points by fern12 on Aug 29, 2017 | 21 comments

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