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Stories from November 28, 2008
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1. The other half of "Artists Ship" (paulgraham.com)
182 points by tyn on Nov 28, 2008 | 125 comments
2. Pyjamas: build AJAX apps in Python (like Google did for Java) (pyjs.org)
69 points by soundsop on Nov 28, 2008 | 10 comments
3. Beware the church of climate alarm (smh.com.au)
46 points by dpatru on Nov 28, 2008 | 107 comments
4. Is Canada becoming a digital ghetto? (cbc.ca)
31 points by ksvs on Nov 28, 2008 | 25 comments
5. The Orbit of the Moon around the Sun is Convex (nus.edu.sg)
28 points by jyrzyk on Nov 28, 2008 | 9 comments
6. Ask HN: what do you use for mailing list software?
28 points by ryanwaggoner on Nov 28, 2008 | 17 comments
7. Ask HN: Buying servers?
26 points by slackerIII on Nov 28, 2008 | 35 comments
8. Who owns the west? The Government [map] (strangecosmos.com)
26 points by soundsop on Nov 28, 2008 | 11 comments
9. What the data miners are digging up about you (newscientist.com)
26 points by makimaki on Nov 28, 2008 | 8 comments
10. Mile of London Tunnels for Sale, History Included (nytimes.com)
25 points by robg on Nov 28, 2008 | 6 comments
11. 20 questions game that works astonishingly well (akinator.com)
25 points by dc2k08 on Nov 28, 2008 | 37 comments
12. The state of Quicksilver (lipidity.com)
25 points by steadicat on Nov 28, 2008 | 1 comment
13. Blurring of MVC lines: Programming the Web Browser. (advogato.org)
24 points by iamelgringo on Nov 28, 2008 | 17 comments
14. Ask HN: Boston or Silicon Valley?
22 points by bkrausz on Nov 28, 2008 | 33 comments
15. My visit to the Apple Store (antoniocangiano.com)
21 points by acangiano on Nov 28, 2008 | 22 comments
16. Clutterme.com eBay auction ends below reserve price (ebay.ca)
20 points by soundsop on Nov 28, 2008 | 8 comments
17. PHP Design - Biggest Database Oversights (justincarmony.com)
16 points by ajbatac on Nov 28, 2008 | 11 comments
18. The current state of Open Source Hardware 2008 - over 60 projects (makezine.com)
16 points by pt on Nov 28, 2008 | 8 comments
19. If Silverlight were installed just as often as Flash, would you use it over Flash?
16 points by amichail on Nov 28, 2008 | 33 comments
20. LilyPond architecture (music notation software in Lisp) (lilypond.org)
14 points by robertk on Nov 28, 2008 | 2 comments
21. Brains More Distracted, Not Slower with Age (sciam.com)
15 points by yagibear on Nov 28, 2008 | 4 comments
22. Summary of MIT's Introduction to Algorithms, Lecture 15: Dynamic Programming (catonmat.net)
15 points by schpyliru on Nov 28, 2008
23. List of BYU Startups (adamchavez.net)
14 points by adammichaelc on Nov 28, 2008 | 4 comments
24. Colleges reduce cost of teaching, raise tuitions (washingtonmonthly.com)
13 points by sethg on Nov 28, 2008 | 6 comments
25. Secrecy or Transparency? One Startup's Experience (readwriteweb.com)
12 points by makimaki on Nov 28, 2008 | 1 comment
26. Don't know what you've got till it's gone (sethgodin.typepad.com)
12 points by terpua on Nov 28, 2008 | 10 comments
27. Prioritiz'd (prioritizd.com)
12 points by daveambrose on Nov 28, 2008 | 11 comments
28. Most Planets May Be Seeded With Life (sciencenow.sciencemag.org)
10 points by josefresco on Nov 28, 2008
29. Was the Great Depression a monetary phenomenon? (nytimes.com)
8 points by Anon84 on Nov 28, 2008 | 4 comments
30. The MegaPenny Project - Visualizing Large Numbers (kokogiak.com)
8 points by peter123 on Nov 28, 2008 | 1 comment

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