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Stories from January 12, 2008
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1. A visual thank-you to the top submitters (ycombinator.com)
34 points by pg on Jan 12, 2008 | 52 comments
2. Steve Jobs - quotes (wikiquote.org)
26 points by zizou on Jan 12, 2008 | 12 comments
3. Ask YC: I built this to learn Rails in 2 days. What do you think?
25 points by dcurtis on Jan 12, 2008 | 25 comments
4. How Can America's Rich Teach Their Children the Value of a Dollar? (nymag.com)
23 points by kradic on Jan 12, 2008 | 16 comments
5. How I got hooked on Emacs (sachachua.com)
23 points by iamelgringo on Jan 12, 2008 | 4 comments
6. NBA player selling his branded shoes for $14.99. Disruptive, maybe? (starbury.com)
16 points by kf on Jan 12, 2008 | 5 comments
7. $2500 Tata Nano Car Unveiled in India (slashdot.org)
13 points by iamwil on Jan 12, 2008 | 3 comments
8. The Importance of not Thinking too Much (nationalreview.com)
12 points by byrneseyeview on Jan 12, 2008 | 5 comments
9. Shared Hosting is a Ghetto (al3x.net)
12 points by nickb on Jan 12, 2008 | 4 comments
10. The Minimalist's Guide to Fighting Clutter (zenhabits.net)
11 points by pg on Jan 12, 2008
11. Rails Shared Hosting (mattmaroon.com)
11 points by JRM on Jan 12, 2008 | 16 comments
12. Ask YC: Who uses OpenID?
9 points by manvsmachine on Jan 12, 2008 | 21 comments
13. Tesla's layoffs: Bad blood, a bloodbath, or business as usual? (venturebeat.com)
9 points by transburgh on Jan 12, 2008 | 5 comments
14. News.YC drifting to smartass comments?
9 points by eru on Jan 12, 2008 | 22 comments
15. Entrepreneurs Must Make Money Before Making Meaning (lovemytool.com)
9 points by gigamon on Jan 12, 2008 | 14 comments
16. Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost? (nytimes.com)
9 points by garbowza on Jan 12, 2008 | 16 comments
17. Is Java Dying? (gafter.blogspot.com)
8 points by pmattos on Jan 12, 2008 | 2 comments
18. Paul Kedrosky warns that VC is swamping tech startups (techconfidential.com)
6 points by kradic on Jan 12, 2008 | 1 comment
19. What It Takes to Break Through (inc.com)
6 points by danw on Jan 12, 2008 | 1 comment
20. Should News.YC have a "FSQ" section?
6 points by e1ven on Jan 12, 2008 | 6 comments
21. 12 Business Lessons from the World's Great Business Success Stories (docstoc.com)
6 points by nreece on Jan 12, 2008 | 1 comment
22. The Design Crisis (toomuchcode.org)
6 points by jholloway7 on Jan 12, 2008
23. Simplifying Web Framework Deployment on Shared Hosting (using HTTP) (tomayko.com)
5 points by ash on Jan 12, 2008
24. Striking Writers to Launch Online Video Co., Seeking $30M+ (newteevee.com)
5 points by blackswan on Jan 12, 2008 | 2 comments
25. Young IT workers disillusioned, hard to hold, survey says (networkworld.com)
5 points by drm237 on Jan 12, 2008 | 1 comment
26. Mathematica's Ten Thousand Hours of Design Reviews (wolfram.com)
4 points by hhm on Jan 12, 2008 | 1 comment
27. Integrating Java and Erlang (theserverside.com)
4 points by shayan on Jan 12, 2008
28. The Physics of Information: What the Universe Doesn't Want You to Know [Conference Audio] (cbc.ca)
4 points by hhm on Jan 12, 2008
29. Google Calculator goes MAD (fubar.school.nz)
4 points by iamelgringo on Jan 12, 2008
30. Lessons to be learned from PHP (deasil.com)
4 points by iamelgringo on Jan 12, 2008

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