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Stories from August 22, 2013
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1. Don't Fly During Ramadan (adityamukerjee.net)
2744 points by chimeracoder on Aug 22, 2013 | 962 comments
2. Fukushima leak is 'much worse than we were led to believe' (bbc.co.uk)
374 points by Libertatea on Aug 22, 2013 | 255 comments
3. Nginx Plus (nginx.com)
340 points by Aqua_Geek on Aug 22, 2013 | 141 comments
4. Linux may have been causing USB disconnects (plus.google.com)
331 points by chalst on Aug 22, 2013 | 116 comments
5. The detention of David Miranda was an unlawful use of the Terrorism Act (theguardian.com)
305 points by jacquesm on Aug 22, 2013 | 66 comments
6. Why does NASA use gold foil on equipment and gold-coated visors? (physics.stackexchange.com)
281 points by jonbaer on Aug 22, 2013 | 114 comments
7. Javascript Frameworks Are Amazing and Nobody Is Happy (wekeroad.com)
272 points by EvilTrout on Aug 22, 2013 | 200 comments
8. In California, a Champion for Police Cameras (nytimes.com)
262 points by raldi on Aug 22, 2013 | 118 comments
9. Four fears for authoritarians (paulbernal.wordpress.com)
263 points by wlj on Aug 22, 2013 | 126 comments
10. Selling Software To Large Businesses (kalzumeus.com)
227 points by gasull on Aug 22, 2013 | 56 comments
11. Declassified Documents Prove NSA Is Tapping the Internet (wired.com)
214 points by engtech on Aug 22, 2013 | 76 comments
12. Github now supports rendering tabular data (github.com/blog)
200 points by makeramen on Aug 22, 2013 | 57 comments
13. The Man Who Invented Modern Probability (nautil.us)
185 points by tchalla on Aug 22, 2013 | 71 comments
14. Coursera-dl – A script for downloading course material from coursera.org (github.com/dgorissen)
184 points by carlosgg on Aug 22, 2013 | 70 comments
15. Firebug 1.12 – New Features (hacks.mozilla.org)
183 points by tmister on Aug 22, 2013 | 36 comments
16. Light Table 0.5.0 (chris-granger.com)
180 points by ibdknox on Aug 22, 2013 | 54 comments
17. Yahoo tops Google in US traffic (cnet.com)
177 points by zher on Aug 22, 2013 | 149 comments
18. Gaia: The 'impossible space mission' ready to fly (bbc.co.uk)
165 points by choult on Aug 22, 2013 | 21 comments
19. D3 3.3 Released (github.com/mbostock)
166 points by mbostock on Aug 22, 2013 | 57 comments
20. Hack your motivation (bemmu.com)
159 points by micrypt on Aug 22, 2013 | 41 comments
21. Censorship Doesn’t Just Stifle Speech – It Can Spread Disease (wired.com)
149 points by Blahah on Aug 22, 2013 | 16 comments
22. Trading Halted in Nasdaq-Listed Securities Due to Technical Issue (wsj.com)
140 points by tomorgan on Aug 22, 2013 | 49 comments
23. US court rules masking IP address to access blocked Website violates law (zdnet.com)
138 points by tanglesome on Aug 22, 2013 | 116 comments
24. [dupe] German Government Warns Key Entities Not To Use Windows 8 – Links The NSA (investmentwatchblog.com)
139 points by devx on Aug 22, 2013 | 45 comments
25. Valencia region government completes switch to LibreOffice (europa.eu)
138 points by Tsiolkovsky on Aug 22, 2013 | 85 comments
26. Apple Buys Another Map App, Embark (jessicalessin.com)
133 points by _pius on Aug 22, 2013 | 45 comments
27. The Man Who Was Treated for $17,000 Less (wsj.com)
121 points by sonabinu on Aug 22, 2013 | 119 comments
28. What Manning Revealed (gregmitchellwriter.blogspot.com)
116 points by austengary on Aug 22, 2013 | 25 comments
29. Scientist Finds PageRank-Type Algorithm from the 1940s (technologyreview.com)
112 points by Peteris on Aug 22, 2013 | 20 comments
30. An Open Letter to My Former NSA Colleagues (slate.com)
106 points by pivnicek on Aug 22, 2013 | 20 comments

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