1. | | Show HN: Super Planet Crash (stefanom.org) |
349 points by CarolineW on April 15, 2014 | 126 comments
2. | | Cheap microscopes: Yours to cut out and keep (economist.com) |
340 points by feelthepain on April 15, 2014 | 56 comments
3. | | How 'DevOps' Is Killing The Developer (jeffknupp.com) |
318 points by jknupp on April 15, 2014 | 209 comments
4. | | OpenBSD has started a massive strip-down and cleanup of OpenSSL (lobste.rs) |
304 points by evntdrvn on April 15, 2014 | 101 comments
5. | | Introduction to A* (stanford.edu) |
298 points by ghosh on April 15, 2014 | 56 comments
6. | | Inside the Operating System Edward Snowden Used to Evade the NSA (wired.com) |
303 points by Osiris on April 15, 2014 | 81 comments
7. | | Raising a moral child (nytimes.com) |
285 points by sanoli on April 15, 2014 | 153 comments
8. | | How to be an open source gardener (steveklabnik.com) |
280 points by nkurz on April 15, 2014 | 59 comments
9. | | A Haskell Programmer Tries to Learn Racket (artyom.me) |
257 points by jackhammer2022 on April 15, 2014 | 156 comments
10. | | Elm's Time-Traveling Debugger (elm-lang.org) |
235 points by wheatBread on April 15, 2014 | 56 comments
11. | | Vis.js: A Visual Interaction System (visjs.org) |
197 points by BKCandace on April 15, 2014 | 53 comments
12. | | My Ideas, My Boss’s Property (nytimes.com) |
191 points by jcabala on April 15, 2014 | 176 comments
13. | | Cracking Cloudflare's heartbleed challenge (indutny.com) |
198 points by tomkwok on April 15, 2014 | 30 comments
14. | | BitUndo – Double Spending as a service (bitundo.com) |
189 points by daKoder on April 15, 2014 | 56 comments
15. | | Dart: The World's Smallest Laptop Adapter (kickstarter.com) |
188 points by stoev on April 15, 2014 | 130 comments
16. | | Google VP named Dean of Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science (cmu.edu) |
185 points by shacker on April 15, 2014 | 20 comments
17. | | The inventor of everything (theverge.com) |
161 points by nkurz on April 15, 2014 | 44 comments
18. | | The Truth About Google X: A Look Behind The Secretive Lab's Closed Doors (fastcompany.com) |
163 points by cryptoz on April 15, 2014 | 113 comments
19. | | Ask HN: How do you get and stay in the "zone"? |
135 points by impendia on April 15, 2014 | 103 comments
20. | | My Childhood in an Apocalyptic Cult (narrative.ly) |
132 points by wallflower on April 15, 2014 | 29 comments
21. | | Did you ever wonder why December has 31 days? (1997) (csail.mit.edu) |
120 points by soegaard on April 15, 2014 | 64 comments
22. | | Twitter Acquires Gnip (gnip.com) |
129 points by noinput on April 15, 2014 | 41 comments
23. | | How Being a Doctor Became the Most Miserable Profession (thedailybeast.com) |
119 points by vwinsyee on April 15, 2014 | 130 comments
24. | | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS: the cloud platform of choice (ubuntu.com) |
112 points by gauravkumar552 on April 15, 2014 | 100 comments
25. | | Heartleech: Automated OpenSSL private key extraction tool using Heartbleed (github.com/robertdavidgraham) |
114 points by FredericJ on April 15, 2014 | 76 comments
26. | | Porting GHC: A Tale of Two Architectures (greenend.org.uk) |
99 points by lelf on April 15, 2014 | 13 comments
27. | | AngelList’s Newest Experiment: a $25M Fund to Invest in Angel Investors (wsj.com) |
93 points by adidash on April 15, 2014 | 30 comments
28. | | C/C++ Fiddle (godbolt.org) |
89 points by United857 on April 15, 2014 | 40 comments
29. | | Show HN: A Customizable SoundCloud Player Built on the Web Audio API and d3 (toneden.io) |
93 points by elsbree on April 15, 2014 | 62 comments
30. | | Why we ditched our free plan (trak.io) |
92 points by PhilipA on April 15, 2014 | 54 comments
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