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Stories from February 17, 2018
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1. MacOS may lose data on APFS-formatted disk images (bombich.com)
396 points by mpweiher on Feb 17, 2018 | 180 comments
2. Deodorants, perfumes, soaps pollute air at levels as high as cars (nytimes.com)
412 points by joshwa on Feb 16, 2018 | 304 comments
3. Learning to program is getting harder (allendowney.blogspot.com)
470 points by henrik_w on Feb 16, 2018 | 412 comments
4. How UK Spies Hacked a European Ally and Got Away with It (theintercept.com)
246 points by DyslexicAtheist on Feb 17, 2018 | 58 comments
5. Ariane RISC-V CPU (github.com/pulp-platform)
171 points by nickik on Feb 17, 2018 | 43 comments
6. New studies zero in on roots of depression and how ketamine affects it (arstechnica.com)
290 points by rbanffy on Feb 17, 2018 | 131 comments
7. The case for ending Amazon’s dominance (timharford.com)
320 points by imartin2k on Feb 17, 2018 | 304 comments
8. An American served a year in prison for copyright conduct that is legal in EU (blogs.harvard.edu)
225 points by severine on Feb 17, 2018 | 186 comments
9. JMESPath – A query language for JSON (jmespath.org)
219 points by selrond on Feb 17, 2018 | 125 comments
10. React Native and Yoga Both Given MIT Licence by Facebook (github.com/facebook)
375 points by dabit3 on Feb 17, 2018 | 118 comments
11. Intel hit with 32 lawsuits over security flaws (reuters.com)
238 points by mozumder on Feb 16, 2018 | 81 comments
12. Programmer's guide to polynomials and splines (wordsandbuttons.online)
219 points by okaleniuk on Feb 17, 2018 | 24 comments
13. California-Grown Coffee Is Becoming the State's Next Gold Mine (npr.org)
148 points by danans on Feb 17, 2018 | 125 comments
14. ‘Lost’ ancient Mexican city had as many buildings as Manhattan, laser map shows (independent.co.uk)
135 points by wildduck_io on Feb 17, 2018 | 25 comments
15. IDEA: A series of nonverbal algorithm assembly instructions (idea-instructions.com)
112 points by blinry on Feb 15, 2018 | 8 comments
16. Reasons to think that, in terms of influence if not wealth, Facebook has peaked (bbc.co.uk)
161 points by JohnHammersley on Feb 17, 2018 | 110 comments
17. Prince Rupert's cube (wikipedia.org)
126 points by enhray on Feb 17, 2018 | 40 comments
18. A look at the J language: the fine line between genius and insanity (2012) (scottlocklin.wordpress.com)
166 points by jxub on Feb 16, 2018 | 46 comments
19. Telegram has raised an initial $850M for its billion-dollar ICO (techcrunch.com)
184 points by doppp on Feb 17, 2018 | 102 comments
20. Waymo granted a permit to operate as a Transportation Network Company in Arizona (arstechnica.com)
178 points by nopinsight on Feb 17, 2018 | 76 comments
21. In Switzerland, it's now illegal to boil a live lobster (usatoday.com)
286 points by fmihaila on Feb 17, 2018 | 294 comments
22. How we built Watsi Coverage without stable electricity, WiFi, or email (watsi.org)
135 points by necrodome on Feb 17, 2018 | 25 comments
23. Debian developer revisits FreeBSD after 20 years (2015) (complete.org)
156 points by mariuz on Feb 17, 2018 | 125 comments
24. Commodore KERNAL History (pagetable.com)
89 points by ingve on Feb 17, 2018 | 23 comments
25. Pratt Parsers: Expression Parsing Made Easy (2011) (stuffwithstuff.com)
88 points by signa11 on Feb 17, 2018 | 12 comments
26. When to use Dictionary Compression (fastcompression.blogspot.com)
64 points by ot on Feb 17, 2018 | 16 comments
27. A viable pathway for hydrogen as fuel (vox.com)
69 points by SpuriousSignals on Feb 17, 2018 | 48 comments
28. What May Be U.S.’s First Drone-Linked Aircraft Crash Is Being Investigated (bloomberg.com)
60 points by cdcro on Feb 17, 2018 | 71 comments
29. Native UIs using Vue.js and NativeScript (nativescript-vue.org)
125 points by lobo_tuerto on Feb 17, 2018 | 44 comments
30. ICO startups band together to create $100M grant fund for Ethereum projects (techcrunch.com)
92 points by sethbannon on Feb 17, 2018 | 22 comments

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