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Stories from February 26, 2015
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1. FCC Passes Strict Net Neutrality Regulations on 3-2 Vote (techcrunch.com)
1489 points by LukeB_UK on Feb 26, 2015 | 711 comments
2. Side projects (antirez.com)
698 points by fcambus on Feb 26, 2015 | 236 comments
3. A girl who gets gifts from birds (bbc.com)
506 points by th0br0 on Feb 26, 2015 | 136 comments
4. How to pick startup ideas (defmacro.org)
385 points by coffeemug on Feb 25, 2015 | 74 comments
5. The birth of Microsoft's new web rendering engine (msdn.com)
361 points by aaronbrethorst on Feb 26, 2015 | 235 comments
6. Embracing SQL in Postgres (conery.io)
273 points by GarethX on Feb 26, 2015 | 120 comments
7. The Path to Parallel JavaScript (blog.mozilla.org)
226 points by leo2urlevan on Feb 26, 2015 | 56 comments
8. Google now automatically converts Flash ads to HTML5 (venturebeat.com)
207 points by cpeterso on Feb 26, 2015 | 92 comments
9. Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures (interactivepython.org)
244 points by npad on Feb 26, 2015 | 14 comments
10. Understanding .NET 2015 (msdn.com)
187 points by pjmlp on Feb 26, 2015 | 104 comments
11. Announcing Docker Machine Beta (docker.com)
141 points by pyprism on Feb 26, 2015 | 43 comments
12. GRPC: A high performance, open source, general RPC framework (grpc.io)
223 points by chuhnk on Feb 26, 2015 | 62 comments
13. Sans Bullshit Sans (sansbullshitsans.com)
370 points by nvie81 on Feb 26, 2015 | 97 comments
14. Astronomers find an ancient black hole the size of 12B suns (washingtonpost.com)
148 points by grej on Feb 25, 2015 | 53 comments
15. Invented here syndrome (mortoray.com)
155 points by Rexxar on Feb 26, 2015 | 32 comments
16. Privatised London: the Thames Path walk that resembles a prison corridor (theguardian.com)
159 points by chrismealy on Feb 25, 2015 | 33 comments
17. Hacking with Andrew and Brad: an HTTP/2 client in Go [video] (youtube.com)
153 points by kid0m4n on Feb 26, 2015 | 29 comments
18. Psychology Journal Bans Significance Testing (sciencebasedmedicine.org)
152 points by tokenadult on Feb 25, 2015 | 82 comments
19. Mornings Don't Make You Moral (newyorker.com)
125 points by weej on Feb 26, 2015 | 48 comments
20. YC's Female Founders Conference Doodles (startupnotes.org)
121 points by gkoberger on Feb 25, 2015 | 15 comments
21. Machine Teaching: An Inverse Problem to Machine Learning [pdf] (wisc.edu)
101 points by Qworg on Feb 26, 2015 | 10 comments
22. Tree structure query with PostgreSQL (truongtx.me)
149 points by dpeck on Feb 26, 2015 | 31 comments
23. Richard Hamming: Learning to Learn (youtube.com)
174 points by sinwave on Feb 26, 2015 | 16 comments
24. Implications of the Third Industrial Revolution (theeuropean-magazine.com)
75 points by blue1 on Feb 26, 2015 | 11 comments
25. Argonne National Labs Shutting Down “Ask a Scientist” (anl.gov)
41 points by dtparr on Feb 26, 2015 | 20 comments
26. Ask HN: Is it safe to use Facebook's open source projects?
160 points by kfei on Feb 26, 2015 | 54 comments
27. Show HN: A workshop on how to use Vim plugins (github.com/jez)
94 points by jez on Feb 26, 2015 | 22 comments
28. Understanding the Enigma machine from “The Imitation Game” with 30 Lines of Ruby (red-badger.com)
84 points by albertstill on Feb 26, 2015 | 21 comments
29. 20n (YC W15) Uses Software To Engineer Microbes For Chemical-Making (techcrunch.com)
55 points by saurabh20n on Feb 26, 2015 | 32 comments
30. The truly personal computer (economist.com)
60 points by e15ctr0n on Feb 26, 2015 | 5 comments

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