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Stories from January 31, 2013
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1. A Short Rant About Working Remotely (ericfarkas.com)
528 points by speric on Jan 31, 2013 | 326 comments
2. Someone got the natural gas report 400 ms early (nanex.net)
526 points by HockeyPlayer on Jan 31, 2013 | 282 comments
3. What The Rails Security Issue Means For Your Startup (kalzumeus.com)
401 points by timcraft on Jan 31, 2013 | 176 comments
4. Ask HN admins: please stop editing submission titles
398 points by gnosis on Jan 31, 2013 | 73 comments
5. That Daily Shower Can Be a Killer (nytimes.com)
371 points by danso on Jan 31, 2013 | 245 comments
6. Chinese Hackers Infiltrate New York Times Computers (nytimes.com)
315 points by michael_nielsen on Jan 31, 2013 | 178 comments
7. Why We Took Cocaine Out of Soda (theatlantic.com)
241 points by Libertatea on Jan 31, 2013 | 114 comments
8. Flight: A lightweight, component-based JavaScript framework from Twitter (twitter.github.com)
236 points by uggedal on Jan 31, 2013 | 83 comments
9. Trello uses an icon font and so can you (fogcreek.com)
211 points by mxk on Jan 31, 2013 | 41 comments
10. The stupid cookie law is dead at last (silktide.com)
200 points by silktide on Jan 31, 2013 | 66 comments
11. We Need to Have Sympathy for Those With Depression. It is an Illness (bothsidesofthetable.com)
200 points by bcn on Jan 31, 2013 | 176 comments
12. Amazon's homepage was down (amazon.com)
199 points by nbashaw on Jan 31, 2013 | 189 comments
13. Starting a Bike Shop (priceonomics.com)
193 points by rohin on Jan 31, 2013 | 65 comments
14. Should we talk about the fact that founder Jody Sherman didn't just die? (launch.co)
186 points by danboarder on Jan 31, 2013 | 128 comments
15. The PNG image file format is now more popular than GIF (w3techs.com)
181 points by MarionG on Jan 31, 2013 | 106 comments
16. School of Haskell Goes Beta (fpcomplete.com)
179 points by dons on Jan 31, 2013 | 69 comments
17. The Australian Computer Society should be disbanded (linkedin.com)
170 points by jennichen on Jan 31, 2013 | 158 comments
18. JSON Editor Online (jsoneditoronline.org)
162 points by benackles on Jan 31, 2013 | 47 comments
19. Git is an editor, and rebase is the backspace key (izs.me)
155 points by ColinWright on Jan 31, 2013 | 46 comments
20. Draft. Version control for writing (ninjasandrobots.com)
136 points by revorad on Jan 31, 2013 | 58 comments
21. Bitcoin hits year-high of $20 (bitcoincharts.com)
132 points by redegg on Jan 31, 2013 | 68 comments
22. UK High Court Finds Programming Languages Uncopyrightable (bailii.org)
128 points by ig1 on Jan 31, 2013 | 27 comments
23. How the U.S. Military Uses IRC to Wage War (publicintelligence.net)
127 points by Jaigus on Jan 31, 2013 | 76 comments
24. Mark Cuban Is Endowing A Chair To ‘Eliminate Stupid Patents’ (techcrunch.com)
120 points by isalmon on Jan 31, 2013 | 39 comments
25. Testing made easier in Internet Explorer (modern.ie)
119 points by bahularora on Jan 31, 2013 | 47 comments
26. Time Warner Boosts My Speed, Cuts My Bill (consumerist.com)
119 points by cjaredrun on Jan 31, 2013 | 64 comments
27. Cache Rules Everything Around Me (iainkfraser.blogspot.co.uk)
117 points by scaramanga on Jan 31, 2013 | 26 comments
28. White House Considers Joining Publishers To Stamp Out Fair Use At Universities (techdirt.com)
116 points by sethbannon on Jan 31, 2013 | 39 comments
29. Our take on RethinkDB vs. MongoDB (rethinkdb.com)
116 points by coffeemug on Jan 31, 2013 | 83 comments
30. Show HN: I built an Android game (play.google.com)
114 points by grantland on Jan 31, 2013 | 62 comments

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