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Stories from September 8, 2014
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1. JSON Web Tokens (jwt.io)
467 points by adamnemecek on Sept 8, 2014 | 74 comments
2. Gravity Simulator (nowykurier.com)
467 points by evanb on Sept 8, 2014 | 131 comments
3. All About Circuits (allaboutcircuits.com)
447 points by MichaelAO on Sept 8, 2014 | 42 comments
4. Why Google is Hurrying the Web to Kill SHA-1 (konklone.com)
423 points by mathias on Sept 8, 2014 | 131 comments
5. Exploding Offers Suck (blog.ycombinator.com)
414 points by lalwanivikas on Sept 8, 2014 | 169 comments
6. Show HN: CloudTunes (github.com/jakubroztocil)
307 points by jkbr on Sept 8, 2014 | 91 comments
7. The Satoshi Nakamoto SourceForge account has been hacked (sourceforge.net)
293 points by jordhy on Sept 8, 2014 | 178 comments
8. CLion, the new C/C++ IDE from JetBrains (jetbrains.com)
289 points by broodbucket on Sept 8, 2014 | 146 comments
9. Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack (2010) (azarask.in)
273 points by CoffeeOnWrite on Sept 8, 2014 | 95 comments
10. Show HN: Creddle – Paper-friendly web resumes (creddle.io)
225 points by cpcarey on Sept 8, 2014 | 111 comments
11. Writing Extensions for Firefox Is Barely Worth the Trouble (omniref.com)
184 points by timr on Sept 8, 2014 | 79 comments
12. Emscripten and asm.js: C++'s role in the modern web (kripken.github.io)
183 points by ndesaulniers on Sept 8, 2014 | 96 comments
13. Shout – A web IRC client (github.com/erming)
177 points by zkanda on Sept 8, 2014 | 103 comments
14. Building Pulse and Bloom, an interactive biofeedback installation at Burning Man (ofbrooklyn.com)
155 points by conesus on Sept 8, 2014 | 24 comments
15. Taming the Asynchronous Beast with CSP in JavaScript (jlongster.com)
147 points by jlongster on Sept 8, 2014 | 29 comments
16. Stories from our first two years (watsi.org)
163 points by gregalbritton on Sept 8, 2014 | 34 comments
17. Testing a way for you to make purchases on Twitter (blog.twitter.com)
127 points by hornokplease on Sept 8, 2014 | 118 comments
18. A shallow survey of formal methods for C code (imperialviolet.org)
128 points by zdw on Sept 8, 2014 | 16 comments
19. How Complex Systems Fail (1998) (ctlab.org)
119 points by mr_golyadkin on Sept 8, 2014 | 16 comments
20. Build a browser engine part 5: Box model and layout tree (limpet.net)
127 points by mixonic on Sept 8, 2014
21. Intel Xeon E5 v3: Up to 18 Haswell EP Cores (anandtech.com)
112 points by wmf on Sept 8, 2014 | 60 comments
22. HTML5 Gravity/Galaxy Simulator (sheridanc.on.ca)
122 points by mcdevhammer on Sept 8, 2014 | 20 comments
23. Pricenoia shuts down (pricenoia.tumblr.com)
120 points by martinml on Sept 8, 2014 | 45 comments
24. PayPal’s Braintree Embraces Bitcoin, One-Touch Payments (techcrunch.com)
122 points by Aqueous on Sept 8, 2014 | 128 comments
25. A Story about Losing (ultimaratioregum.co.uk)
101 points by georgeoliver on Sept 8, 2014 | 15 comments
26. Scots, What the Heck? (nytimes.com)
94 points by jseliger on Sept 8, 2014 | 126 comments
27. The Home Depot confirms payment systems breach (homedepot.com)
95 points by manachar on Sept 8, 2014 | 108 comments
28. Breaking up with America (earth.li)
82 points by edward on Sept 8, 2014 | 82 comments
29. SICL – A fresh implementation of Common Lisp (github.com/robert-strandh)
77 points by phaer on Sept 8, 2014 | 49 comments
30. Xen and Docker: Made for Each Other (xen.org)
77 points by ferrantim on Sept 8, 2014 | 27 comments

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