1. | | Amazon gets priority while mail gets delayed, say US letter carriers (pressherald.com) |
488 points by 80mph on July 27, 2020 | 426 comments
2. | | How GPT3 Works – Visualizations and Animations (jalammar.github.io) |
398 points by dsr12 on July 27, 2020 | 98 comments
3. | | Double Entry Accounting for Developers (django-hordak.readthedocs.io) |
390 points by adamcharnock on July 27, 2020 | 233 comments
4. | | ACCC alleges Google misled consumers about expanded use of personal data (accc.gov.au) |
375 points by Khaine on July 27, 2020 | 79 comments
5. | | Show HN: Neural text to speech with dozens of celebrity voices (vocodes.com) |
462 points by echelon on July 27, 2020 | 165 comments
6. | | Google Drive – How do I stop others from sharing files with me? (support.google.com) |
476 points by mariocesar on July 27, 2020 | 285 comments
7. | | Quiet route planning for pedestrians in traffic noise polluted environments (uni-heidelberg.de) |
239 points by ericdanielski on July 27, 2020 | 132 comments
8. | | Airbus' self-flying plane just completed taxi, take-off, and landing tests (businessinsider.com) |
332 points by apsec112 on July 27, 2020 | 318 comments
9. | | Facebook sues EU antitrust regulator for excessive data requests (reuters.com) |
222 points by ckastner on July 27, 2020 | 148 comments
10. | | Writing a file system from scratch in Rust (carlosgaldino.com) |
331 points by carlosgaldino on July 27, 2020 | 59 comments
11. | | Apache Arrow 1.0 (apache.org) |
361 points by dragonsh on July 27, 2020 | 132 comments
12. | | Spies can eavesdrop by watching a light bulb's vibrations (wired.com) |
268 points by lelf on July 26, 2020 | 123 comments
13. | | One company's plan to build a search engine Google can't beat (protocol.com) |
264 points by lxm on July 26, 2020 | 321 comments
14. | | Afghan opium growers have switched to solar power (bbc.com) |
230 points by pseudolus on July 27, 2020 | 172 comments
15. | | Appearances vs. Experiences: What Makes Us Happy (fs.blog) |
229 points by lxm on July 27, 2020 | 97 comments
16. | | It’s easier to manage four people than one person (staysaasy.com) |
267 points by chesterarthur on July 27, 2020 | 90 comments
17. | | Google to keep employees home until summer 2021 (wsj.com) |
413 points by tysone on July 27, 2020 | 376 comments
18. | | Sledding athletes are taking their lives (nytimes.com) |
201 points by mhb on July 26, 2020 | 227 comments
19. | | Show HN: UnnaturalScrollWheels – Better scroll wheel settings for macOS (github.com/ther0n) |
176 points by aptgetrekt on July 27, 2020 | 86 comments
20. | | Harry Eng, the Master of the “Impossible Bottle” (puzzlemuseum.com) |
218 points by fortran77 on July 26, 2020 | 86 comments
21. | | How to pay your rent with your open source project (plausible.io) |
342 points by markosaric on July 27, 2020 | 168 comments
22. | | Ted Williams's Strike Zone (tedwilliams.com) |
157 points by dedalus on July 27, 2020 | 63 comments
23. | | Cloudflare launches Workers Unbound, next evolution of its serverless platform (cloudflare.com) |
250 points by skolos on July 27, 2020 | 155 comments
24. | | How did anyone do math in Roman numerals? (2017) (washingtoncitypaper.com) |
128 points by pmontra on July 27, 2020 | 124 comments
25. | | Are we in an AI Overhang? (lesswrong.com) |
261 points by andyljones on July 27, 2020 | 274 comments
26. | | Launch HN: Daybreak Health (YC S20) – Online counseling designed for teens |
58 points by alexalvarado on July 27, 2020 | 32 comments
27. | | Show HN: MathLingua – The Language of Mathematics (mathlingua.org) |
94 points by CatsAreCool on July 26, 2020 | 46 comments
28. | | The code I’m still ashamed of (2016) (freecodecamp.org) |
306 points by zdw on July 27, 2020 | 172 comments
29. | | Highlights from Git 2.28 (github.blog) |
201 points by programeris on July 27, 2020 | 143 comments
30. | | This month in 1939: How dead cattle led to the discovery of warfarin (pmlive.com) |
69 points by onetimemanytime on July 26, 2020 | 16 comments
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