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Stories from August 9, 2010
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1. The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. (might.net)
319 points by jonp on Aug 9, 2010 | 42 comments
2. "God's Number" is 20 - Rubik's cube has been "solved" (cube20.org)
276 points by RiderOfGiraffes on Aug 9, 2010 | 61 comments
3. If you can't find 10 people who say they'll buy it... (asmartbear.com)
212 points by amirmc on Aug 9, 2010 | 93 comments
4. Sharpie reinvents the pen with liquid pencil (wired.com)
175 points by mcantelon on Aug 9, 2010 | 78 comments
5. Ask HN: Did you ever do anything unethical to get your startup off the ground?
158 points by vaksel on Aug 9, 2010 | 122 comments
6. Google goes "evil" (huffingtonpost.com)
153 points by mcantelon on Aug 9, 2010 | 88 comments
7. The Startup Diet: How I Lost 35 Pounds While Working Overtime (paulstamatiou.com)
135 points by PStamatiou on Aug 9, 2010 | 143 comments
8. Why I'm not hiring (wsj.com)
126 points by cwan on Aug 9, 2010 | 176 comments
9. Fun - a new programming language for the realtime web (marcuswest.in)
122 points by marcuswestin on Aug 9, 2010 | 51 comments
10. Shut up and ship (jgc.org)
109 points by jgrahamc on Aug 9, 2010 | 26 comments
11. The Next Silicon Valley (measuringmeasures.com)
109 points by jaf12duke on Aug 9, 2010 | 18 comments
12. How to build your own CDN using BIND, GeoIP, Nginx, Varnish (unixy.net)
100 points by nreece on Aug 9, 2010 | 39 comments
13. Google Public Policy Blog: A joint policy proposal for an open Internet (googlepublicpolicy.blogspot.com)
101 points by pierrefar on Aug 9, 2010 | 86 comments
14. Beyond the 10,000 Hour Rule: Richard Hamming and the Messy Art of Becoming Great (calnewport.com)
92 points by bumbledraven on Aug 9, 2010 | 69 comments
15. Skype Files $100M IPO (streetinsider.com)
90 points by ukdm on Aug 9, 2010 | 67 comments
16. Last Psychiatrist rebuttal to "why parents hate parenting" (thelastpsychiatrist.com)
87 points by delackner on Aug 9, 2010 | 46 comments
17. A Classic of Soviet Engineering - The Typhoon-class sub (mockingeye.com)
83 points by anateus on Aug 9, 2010 | 84 comments
18. AdGrok (YC S10) Simplifies Keyword Bidding And More On Google AdWords (techcrunch.com)
82 points by mceachen on Aug 9, 2010 | 28 comments
19. R.J. Lipton - A proof that P is not equal to NP (rjlipton.wordpress.com)
81 points by sidww2 on Aug 9, 2010 | 7 comments
20. DeviantArt Muro (deviantart.com)
80 points by Setsuna on Aug 9, 2010 | 40 comments
21. Hey Google (samonsoftware.com)
78 points by samh on Aug 9, 2010 | 18 comments
22. EVE player destroys over $1000 worth of game time (massively.com)
76 points by noarchy on Aug 9, 2010 | 63 comments
23. Telecommuting Culture - What it tells me about your company (travisswicegood.com)
74 points by tswicegood on Aug 9, 2010 | 62 comments
24. Python for Fun (openbookproject.net)
71 points by ananthrk on Aug 9, 2010 | 1 comment
25. Is It Better to Buy or Rent? (NYT tool) (nytimes.com)
70 points by MikeCapone on Aug 9, 2010 | 63 comments
26. My 7th attempt at a startup: Selling layer styles to Photoshop users. (photoshoplayerstyles.com)
65 points by chaosmachine on Aug 9, 2010 | 44 comments
27. It's easier to port a shell than a shell script (quux.org)
65 points by lpgauth on Aug 9, 2010 | 16 comments
28. Nathan Myhrvold unveils massive cookbook for science geeks (techflash.com)
63 points by cwan on Aug 9, 2010 | 39 comments
29. Ask HN: What should we eat?
61 points by eavc on Aug 9, 2010 | 111 comments
30. Animated map of nuclear explosions, 1945-1998 (pinktentacle.com)
59 points by gnosis on Aug 9, 2010 | 25 comments

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