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Stories from January 4, 2013
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1. Minimal wireframing tool - for free (wireframe.cc)
374 points by usaphp on Jan 4, 2013 | 56 comments
2. An iPhone lover’s confession: I switched to the Nexus 4 (24100.net)
364 points by bering on Jan 4, 2013 | 349 comments
3. America's Real Criminal Element: Lead (motherjones.com)
339 points by LiveTheDream on Jan 4, 2013 | 195 comments
4. Keeping Safari a secret (donmelton.com)
283 points by ryannielsen on Jan 4, 2013 | 102 comments
5. Entropy generator to provide significant lag reduction in Android (xda-developers.com)
244 points by moeffju on Jan 4, 2013 | 105 comments
6. Django 1.5 release candidate available (djangoproject.com)
209 points by jacobian on Jan 4, 2013 | 68 comments
7. Mega Man 2 (NES) password algorithm and code (github.com/kpshek)
197 points by kpshek on Jan 4, 2013 | 50 comments
8. Scala 2.10 now available (scala-lang.org)
194 points by lanna on Jan 4, 2013 | 96 comments
9. IRC is dead, long live IRC (pingdom.com)
175 points by kurjam on Jan 4, 2013 | 167 comments
10. Free SVG and PNG Icons Easily Customizable For Games (game-icons.net)
162 points by Hirvesh on Jan 4, 2013 | 26 comments
11. Rant: Backbone, Angular, Meteor, Derby (gist.github.com)
157 points by lefnire on Jan 4, 2013 | 158 comments
12. Android SDK is now proprietary (fsfe.org)
152 points by Fletch137 on Jan 4, 2013 | 70 comments
13. μLithp - a Lisp in 27 lines of Ruby (fogus.github.com)
137 points by Peteris on Jan 4, 2013 | 98 comments
14. How blind people use Instagram [video] (kottke.org)
131 points by Charlesmigli on Jan 4, 2013 | 35 comments
15. The USPTO Would Like to Partner with the Software Community (groklaw.net)
123 points by roqetman on Jan 4, 2013 | 128 comments
16. Now Google is blocking Windows Phones from accessing maps.Google.com (wmpoweruser.com)
121 points by unwiredben on Jan 4, 2013 | 106 comments
17. Ask PG: Why don’t you open source HN?
114 points by muellerwolfram on Jan 4, 2013 | 86 comments
18. Felix - a fast scripting language (felix-lang.org)
107 points by nmcfarl on Jan 4, 2013 | 83 comments
19. Caffeinated Seas Found off U.S. Pacific Northwest (nationalgeographic.com)
107 points by MaysonL on Jan 4, 2013 | 56 comments
20. Turkish government agency spoofed Google certificate “accidentally” (arstechnica.com)
104 points by 6thSigma on Jan 4, 2013 | 63 comments
21. Life and Career Lessons – 2012 (codercowboy.com)
92 points by codercowboy on Jan 4, 2013 | 24 comments
22. It's Gibberish, But Italian Pop Song Still Means Something (npr.org)
89 points by danso on Jan 4, 2013 | 84 comments
23. Disney announces Wreck-It Ralph will arrive for download before DVD, Blu-ray (engadget.com)
84 points by signa11 on Jan 4, 2013 | 45 comments
24. The ARM vs x86 Wars Have Begun: Power Analysis of Atom, Krait, and Cortex A15 (anandtech.com)
80 points by lispython on Jan 4, 2013 | 51 comments
25. Welcome to “Learning by Shipping” (learningbyshipping.com)
77 points by aaronbrethorst on Jan 4, 2013 | 11 comments
26. A year without caffeine (bryanalexander.org)
76 points by sramsay on Jan 4, 2013 | 82 comments
27. Erlang OTP Tutorial For Beginners (bot.co.za)
75 points by signa11 on Jan 4, 2013 | 17 comments
28. Three Little Birds – Deriving the Y Combinator (samesake.com)
74 points by eggsby on Jan 4, 2013 | 11 comments
29. IMF Chief Economist apologizes for being wrong on austerity (washingtonpost.com)
69 points by martythemaniak on Jan 4, 2013 | 90 comments
30. Nuclear weapon statistics using monoids, groups, and vector spaces in Haskell (izbicki.me)
66 points by jackpirate on Jan 4, 2013 | 23 comments

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