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Stories from October 10, 2018
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1. How to Get Things Done When You Don't Feel Like It (acm.org)
1165 points by tchalla on Oct 9, 2018 | 183 comments
2. Microsoft Joins the Open Invention Network (globenewswire.com)
809 points by TiredOfLife on Oct 10, 2018 | 371 comments
3. TSMC: First 7nm EUV Chips Taped Out, 5nm Risk Production in Q2 2019 (anandtech.com)
239 points by dmmalam on Oct 10, 2018 | 118 comments
4. Introduction to Differential Equations (2008) (lamar.edu)
388 points by peter_d_sherman on Oct 10, 2018 | 88 comments
5. Building a language translator from scratch with deep learning (floydhub.com)
226 points by saip on Oct 10, 2018 | 34 comments
6. Brief aerobic exercise immediately enhances attention and perceptual speed (sciencedirect.com)
404 points by laurex on Oct 10, 2018 | 107 comments
7. Dropbox traffic infrastructure: Edge network (dropbox.com)
277 points by el_duderino on Oct 10, 2018 | 85 comments
8. Boltons: A set of BSD-licensed, pure-Python utilities (github.com/mahmoud)
312 points by pmoriarty on Oct 9, 2018 | 30 comments
9. Walt: JavaScript-like syntax for WebAssembly (github.com/ballercat)
278 points by jedisct1 on Oct 10, 2018 | 99 comments
10. Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women (reuters.com)
317 points by wyldfire on Oct 10, 2018 | 407 comments
11. Why Is Behavioral Economics So Popular? (nytimes.com)
208 points by malshe on Oct 10, 2018 | 144 comments
12. Memory Allocators 101 – Write a simple memory allocator (2016) (arjunsreedharan.org)
271 points by DonbunEf7 on Oct 10, 2018 | 51 comments
13. Globally, Almost Four Out of Ten Music Consumers Are Pirates (torrentfreak.com)
202 points by okket on Oct 10, 2018 | 347 comments
14. Delaying Further Symantec TLS Certificate Distrust (blog.mozilla.org)
111 points by lainon on Oct 10, 2018 | 56 comments
15. A Rust FFI adventure in unsafety (travisf.net)
190 points by fanf2 on Oct 10, 2018 | 52 comments
16. An Elm compiler for the Erlang Virtual Machine (kofi.sexy)
182 points by kofigumbs on Oct 9, 2018 | 11 comments
17. Heathrow Airport fined £120K for serious failings in data protection practices (ico.org.uk)
153 points by bauc on Oct 10, 2018 | 43 comments
18. SEC tightens the noose on ICO-funded startups (decryptmedia.com)
174 points by ilanhz on Oct 10, 2018 | 150 comments
19. The hacker's guide to uncertainty estimates (erikbern.com)
248 points by mzl on Oct 10, 2018 | 11 comments
20. 3D Hair Synthesis Using Volumetric Variational Autoencoders (linjieluo.com)
95 points by juliendorra on Oct 10, 2018 | 16 comments
21. PgFormatter: A PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier (github.com/darold)
129 points by fanf2 on Oct 10, 2018 | 31 comments
22. A Taco Truck on Every Corner, or Not? (a2civic.tech)
167 points by badrequest on Oct 10, 2018 | 105 comments
23. A packaging tutorial for Guix (gnu.org)
130 points by _emacsomancer_ on Oct 10, 2018 | 33 comments
24. The Great Fish Market Migration of 2018 (spoon-tamago.com)
98 points by ValentineC on Oct 10, 2018 | 26 comments
25. Flatbush: A very fast static spatial index for 2D points and rectangles in JS (github.com/mourner)
104 points by lobo_tuerto on Oct 10, 2018 | 33 comments
26. Arguing against using protobuffers (reasonablypolymorphic.com)
307 points by haskellandchill on Oct 10, 2018 | 298 comments
27. Uniqlo cut 90% of staff at one warehouse by replacing them with robots (qz.com)
249 points by lxm on Oct 10, 2018 | 300 comments
28. Choosing to stay out of the community (rachelbythebay.com)
242 points by pulisse on Oct 10, 2018 | 198 comments
29. Stellar Smart Contracts (stellar.org)
194 points by tosh on Oct 10, 2018 | 127 comments
30. Constructing human-grade parsers (duriansoftware.com)
70 points by ingve on Oct 10, 2018 | 13 comments

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