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Stories from June 21, 2009
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1. Starting Up, One Year Later: The Downward Spiral (dislocatedday.com)
98 points by janpio on June 21, 2009 | 24 comments
2. Chrome and Firefox 3.5 Memory Usage (dotnetperls.com)
75 points by RK on June 21, 2009 | 44 comments
3. Customers given too many choices are 10x less likely to buy (sivers.org)
75 points by sivers on June 21, 2009 | 34 comments
4. The Benefits of a Classical Education (oreilly.com)
73 points by jackchristopher on June 21, 2009 | 7 comments
5. Remind HN: Father's Day
72 points by sophiebits on June 21, 2009 | 35 comments
6. Erik Naggum, 1965-2009 RIP (open-voip.com)
58 points by MaysonL on June 21, 2009 | 12 comments
7. Entrepreneurship Is Not Sexy (coconutheadsets.com)
48 points by iamelgringo on June 21, 2009 | 15 comments
8. Gray code at the pediatrician's office (plover.com)
47 points by zkz on June 21, 2009 | 11 comments
9. Augmented Reality is Full of Zombies (singularityhub.com)
44 points by kkleiner on June 21, 2009 | 12 comments
10. Milton Friedman: How to Cure Health Care (2001) (hoover.org)
43 points by mhb on June 21, 2009 | 55 comments
11. Optimal Account Balancing (stochastix.wordpress.com)
35 points by TriinT on June 21, 2009 | 5 comments
12. The origin story of robots.txt (antipope.org)
34 points by vaksel on June 21, 2009 | 4 comments
13. Only 8% of users know what a browser is. Do we have to rethink the browser game? (customer-experience-labs.com)
32 points by bbhacker on June 21, 2009 | 16 comments
14. Chi-square goodness-of-fit, Benford’s law, and the Iranian election (incanter.wordpress.com)
31 points by mariorz on June 21, 2009 | 18 comments
15. OXO brings great design to syringes (core77.com)
31 points by CoryOndrejka on June 21, 2009 | 18 comments
16. Using Psychology To Save You From Yourself (npr.org)
29 points by alexjmann on June 21, 2009 | 3 comments
17. Get a Life, Holden Caulfield (nytimes.com)
28 points by robg on June 21, 2009 | 25 comments
18. Best Way to Check Someone's References (casnocha.com)
27 points by cazzy123 on June 21, 2009 | 18 comments
19. Ask HN: The long tail of Founders at Work
26 points by GVRV on June 21, 2009 | 5 comments
20. A Mathematical Analysis Of The Iranian Elections (washingtonpost.com)
25 points by avner on June 21, 2009 | 39 comments
21. Phillips machine: Like water for money (nytimes.com)
25 points by TriinT on June 21, 2009 | 4 comments
22. How to Write a Good Business Plan (wsj.com)
25 points by augustus on June 21, 2009 | 3 comments
23. IPhone Tethering in One Click With Safari (help.benm.at)
24 points by pmorici on June 21, 2009 | 13 comments
24. Cargo Cult Management (gigaom.com)
22 points by diego on June 21, 2009 | 7 comments
25. Nomic: a game in which changing the rules is a move (wikipedia.org)
22 points by TriinT on June 21, 2009 | 9 comments
26. Find out who your friends are following that you are not (on twitter). (duckduckgo.com)
21 points by epi0Bauqu on June 21, 2009 | 18 comments
27. Where is USENET?
21 points by scscsc on June 21, 2009 | 17 comments
28. The Myth of the Abrasive Genius (scienceblogs.com)
21 points by zkz on June 21, 2009 | 5 comments
29. The Long, Painful History of Time (naggum.no)
21 points by zkz on June 21, 2009
30. Ask HN: College Graduate, Job Prospects
20 points by cmpeters on June 21, 2009 | 20 comments

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