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Stories from December 7, 2016
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1. Launchaco – Instantly generate a responsive, free, website (launchaco.com)
929 points by marclave on Dec 7, 2016 | 164 comments
2. Announcing TypeScript 2.1 (microsoft.com)
503 points by DanRosenwasser on Dec 7, 2016 | 222 comments
3. Bluetooth 5 Now Available (bluetooth.com)
292 points by vadimbaryshev on Dec 7, 2016 | 164 comments
4. Intel x86 documentation has more pages than the 6502 has transistors (righto.com)
300 points by ingve on Dec 7, 2016 | 133 comments
5. How to Ship Side Projects (andyjiang.com)
424 points by nickfrost on Dec 6, 2016 | 108 comments
6. Yoga: A cross-platform layout engine (facebook.com)
438 points by emilsjolander on Dec 7, 2016 | 158 comments
7. Saving Data: Reducing the Size of App Updates by 65% (android-developers.blogspot.com)
315 points by jor-el on Dec 7, 2016 | 136 comments
8. The State of Babel (babeljs.io)
241 points by BenjaminCoe on Dec 7, 2016 | 102 comments
9. Liquid Haskell: Haskell as a Theorem Prover [pdf] (ucsd.edu)
199 points by kumaranvpl on Dec 7, 2016 | 26 comments
10. Major advancements in Deep Learning in 2016 (tryolabs.com)
346 points by sameoldstories on Dec 7, 2016 | 75 comments
11. A Guide to the Breads of India (luckypeach.com)
311 points by Petiver on Dec 7, 2016 | 152 comments
12. Show HN: Fun tool that cut my family and friends tech support time in half (grammable.me)
285 points by fiesycal on Dec 7, 2016 | 215 comments
13. Pebble's next step (getpebble.com)
529 points by david-given on Dec 7, 2016 | 442 comments
14. GRiSP – Erlang-based IoT hardware platform (grisp.org)
188 points by pjmlp on Dec 6, 2016 | 48 comments
15. Show HN: PyFilesystem 2.0 – A Python interface to filesystems of all kinds (willmcgugan.com)
139 points by billowycoat on Dec 7, 2016 | 21 comments
16. “Exhalation” by Ted Chiang (2008) (lightspeedmagazine.com)
137 points by monort on Dec 7, 2016 | 33 comments
17. An Algebra of Graphs (ncl.ac.uk)
184 points by lambdasquirrel on Dec 7, 2016 | 69 comments
18. Avremu: An AVR Emulator Written in Pure LaTeX (brokenpipe.de)
124 points by dcschelt on Dec 7, 2016 | 29 comments
19. Predictive Learning [pdf] (drive.google.com)
210 points by aaronyy on Dec 7, 2016 | 38 comments
20. Burned house horizon (wikipedia.org)
180 points by curtis on Dec 7, 2016 | 62 comments
21. 1 Patient, 7 Tumors and 100B Cells Equal 1 Striking Recovery (nytimes.com)
96 points by smb06 on Dec 7, 2016 | 3 comments
22. Show HN: CakeResume – Drag and drop resume snippets to build a unique resume (cakeresume.com)
195 points by trantor on Dec 7, 2016 | 120 comments
23. Spark, New Markets, App Messaging, and Bitcoin Changes (circle.com)
132 points by bdcravens on Dec 7, 2016 | 77 comments
24. Salto – UC Berkeley’s Agile Jumping Robot (ieee.org)
108 points by sohkamyung on Dec 7, 2016 | 38 comments
25. Tracking Down a Python Memory Leak (benbernardblog.com)
150 points by bbernard on Dec 7, 2016 | 42 comments
26. A Short Introduction to the Lambda Calculus (2004) [pdf] (bham.ac.uk)
166 points by kumaranvpl on Dec 7, 2016 | 18 comments
27. “One Hundred Years Hence”: Victorians predicting future technological wonders (ephemerasociety.org)
73 points by samclemens on Dec 4, 2016 | 38 comments
28. Mr. Robot Killed the Hollywood Hacker (technologyreview.com)
271 points by danso on Dec 7, 2016 | 294 comments
29. DoomRL Open Source Release (github.com/chaosforge)
143 points by mariuz on Dec 7, 2016 | 54 comments
30. Open sourcing Embedding Projector: a tool for visualizing high dimensional data (googleblog.com)
134 points by runesoerensen on Dec 7, 2016 | 14 comments

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