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Stories from February 9, 2013
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1. The Star Wars Route: Do a traceroute to (network-tools.com)
770 points by fpp on Feb 9, 2013 | 78 comments
2. I am under surveillance by Canadian agents, my computer has been backdoored (nadim.cc)
701 points by joshfraser on Feb 9, 2013 | 341 comments
3. I made $200K and PayPal locked my account
474 points by blasten on Feb 9, 2013 | 270 comments
4. Next Time Your Mom Says Don't Go Out in The Rain, Spray Yourself With This
329 points by Jaigus on Feb 9, 2013 | 138 comments
5. CSS 3D Clouds (clicktorelease.com)
294 points by pawannitj on Feb 9, 2013 | 44 comments
6. Meet Kirsty Nathoo, Y Combinator’s Secret Financial And Operational Weapon (techcrunch.com)
252 points by leahculver on Feb 9, 2013 | 60 comments
7. Star Wars Traceroute - How I did it (beaglenetworks.net)
216 points by sebkomianos on Feb 9, 2013 | 21 comments
8. Curiosity images strange metallic-looking object on Mars (universetoday.com)
203 points by anigbrowl on Feb 9, 2013 | 147 comments
9. I’m Sick of Tiny, Tiny Type (jxnblk.tumblr.com)
201 points by Jonhoo on Feb 9, 2013 | 142 comments
10. Pixel Art Tutorial (makegames.tumblr.com)
193 points by joshuacc on Feb 9, 2013 | 38 comments
11. How to Learn JavaScript Properly (javascriptissexy.com)
193 points by Vuiisiq on Feb 9, 2013 | 50 comments
12. A ‘frighteningly ambitious’ way to improve email (thenextweb.com)
143 points by zeedotme on Feb 9, 2013 | 86 comments
13. CISPA is back (cispaisback.com)
138 points by sturdysquirrel on Feb 9, 2013 | 28 comments
14. MIT 6.824 Distributed Systems labs rewritten in Go (csail.mit.edu)
132 points by myko on Feb 9, 2013 | 32 comments
15. Show HN: An NES emulator written in Rust (github.com/pcwalton)
125 points by pcwalton on Feb 9, 2013 | 27 comments
16. Linux Foundation Secure Boot System Released (hansenpartnership.com)
125 points by onosendai on Feb 9, 2013 | 31 comments
17. Security Engineering – The Book (cam.ac.uk)
120 points by sweis on Feb 9, 2013 | 12 comments
18. JSDB.io - A Database of JavaScript Libraries (jsdb.io)
123 points by ksokhan on Feb 9, 2013 | 60 comments
19. I Don't Do That Job Anymore (daniellemorrill.com)
112 points by dmor on Feb 9, 2013 | 33 comments
20. DHS Watchdog OKs ‘Suspicionless’ Seizure of Electronic Devices Along Border (wired.com)
107 points by eplanit on Feb 9, 2013 | 135 comments
21. Samsung laptop bug is not Linux specific (mjg59.dreamwidth.org)
106 points by Danieru on Feb 9, 2013 | 37 comments
22. The Elsevier boycott one year on (gowers.wordpress.com)
105 points by tokenadult on Feb 9, 2013 | 60 comments
23. IBM's Watson Gets Its First Piece Of Business In Healthcare (forbes.com/sites/bruceupbin)
96 points by antalkerekes on Feb 9, 2013 | 69 comments
24. Amazon has patented the milkman, etc. (plus.google.com)
94 points by DanielHimmelein on Feb 9, 2013 | 58 comments
25. How to prevent a meritocracy entrenching itself (economist.com)
94 points by ekpyrotic on Feb 9, 2013 | 101 comments
26. Stalled Out on Tesla’s Electric Highway (nytimes.com)
94 points by jfb on Feb 9, 2013 | 102 comments
27. User revolt over Java bloatware (techeye.net)
91 points by maudlinmau5 on Feb 9, 2013 | 54 comments
28. Ask HN: First time in SF today and tomorrow – can I visit your startup?
89 points by davewasmer on Feb 9, 2013 | 25 comments
29. How to achieve 4 flops per cycle? (stackoverflow.com)
89 points by glazskunrukitis on Feb 9, 2013 | 14 comments
30. 2013 will see a shift from social networks back to blogs (dendory.net)
82 points by dendory on Feb 9, 2013 | 35 comments

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