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Stories from October 13, 2016
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1. Google's “Director of Engineering” Hiring Test (gwan.com)
1764 points by fatihky on Oct 13, 2016 | 923 comments
2. Taking PHP Seriously (slack.engineering)
819 points by josephscott on Oct 13, 2016 | 652 comments
3. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 awarded to Bob Dylan (nobelprize.org)
731 points by eCa on Oct 13, 2016 | 339 comments
4. An Open Source, Self-Hosted Heroku (bitmatica.com)
443 points by stucat on Oct 13, 2016 | 121 comments
5. Static types in Python (zulip.org)
470 points by tabbott on Oct 13, 2016 | 221 comments
6. Ask HN: What is your favorite YouTube channel for developers?
1081 points by justanton on Oct 13, 2016 | 171 comments
7. Cooled Nikon D5500a Chills the Sensor for Clearer Star Photos (petapixel.com)
251 points by uptown on Oct 13, 2016 | 88 comments
8. It’s Been Real, Android: Why I’m Retiring from Android (raptureinvenice.com)
495 points by chx on Oct 13, 2016 | 327 comments
9. Inside the New York Public Library's Last, Secret Apartments (atlasobscura.com)
168 points by Tomte on Oct 13, 2016 | 30 comments
10. Robot Can Do More Push-Ups Because It Sweats (ieee.org)
269 points by mcspecter on Oct 13, 2016 | 50 comments
11. Barack Obama on A.I., Autonomous Cars, and the Future of Humanity (wired.com)
317 points by gflandre on Oct 12, 2016 | 229 comments
12. Certificate Revocation Issue (globalsign.com)
178 points by directionless on Oct 13, 2016 | 81 comments
13. Pastry Chefs Are in Demand, Why Aren’t Wages Rising? (nytimes.com)
173 points by JumpCrisscross on Oct 13, 2016 | 243 comments
14. Introducing NodeJS-Dashboard (formidable.com)
201 points by weareformidable on Oct 12, 2016 | 17 comments
15. Facebook Has Repeatedly Trended Fake News Since Firing Its Human Editors (washingtonpost.com)
355 points by M_Grey on Oct 13, 2016 | 318 comments
16. It's time to reconsider going on-prem (gravitational.com)
248 points by twakefield on Oct 12, 2016 | 109 comments
17. VMware’s new cloud service will run on AWS (techcrunch.com)
138 points by frostmatthew on Oct 13, 2016 | 73 comments
18. Symbolics Lisp Machine Museum (smbx.org)
126 points by rbc on Oct 13, 2016 | 131 comments
19. Differentiable Neural Computers (deepmind.com)
289 points by tonybeltramelli on Oct 13, 2016 | 70 comments
20. Learn Relay – A comprehensive introduction to Relay and GraphQL (learnrelay.org)
124 points by schickling on Oct 13, 2016 | 24 comments
21. Leonard Cohen Makes It Darker (newyorker.com)
193 points by ehudla on Oct 13, 2016 | 54 comments
22. What were Einstein and Gödel talking about? (2005) (newyorker.com)
207 points by cZuLi on Oct 13, 2016 | 58 comments
23. Analyzing the Patterns of Numbers in 10M Passwords (2015) (minimaxir.com)
138 points by BeautifulData on Oct 13, 2016 | 40 comments
24. Computational Law, Symbolic Discourse, and the AI Constitution (backchannel.com)
82 points by steven on Oct 12, 2016 | 65 comments
25. Google, Facebook to Invest in U.S.-China Data Link (wsj.com)
74 points by jstreebin on Oct 13, 2016 | 24 comments
26. Computational Thinking Benefits Society (2014) (toronto.edu)
70 points by sonabinu on Oct 13, 2016 | 39 comments
27. Canonical releases Ubuntu 16.10 (ubuntu.com)
265 points by Jarlakxen on Oct 13, 2016 | 179 comments
28. Peer pressure’s effects are perhaps more powerful than we thought (2014) (washingtonpost.com)
110 points by thebent on Oct 13, 2016 | 84 comments
29. Show HN: Styled-components – Use the best of ES6 to style React apps (styled-components.com)
172 points by mxstbr on Oct 13, 2016 | 67 comments
30. Timing the time it takes to parse time (ayende.com)
109 points by yread on Oct 13, 2016 | 57 comments

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