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Stories from October 5, 2015
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1. Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal Is Reached (nytimes.com)
478 points by shill on Oct 5, 2015 | 371 comments
2. The Most Important Thing: Decline in poverty, illiteracy and disease (nytimes.com)
427 points by apsec112 on Oct 5, 2015 | 209 comments
3. Nylas N1 – extensible open-source mail client (nylas.com)
413 points by ropiku on Oct 5, 2015 | 124 comments
4. Why Intel Added Cache Partitioning (danluu.com)
213 points by dangerman on Oct 5, 2015 | 53 comments
5. Twitter Names Jack Dorsey Chief Executive (nytimes.com)
283 points by jvrossb on Oct 5, 2015 | 203 comments
6. Global coalition to Facebook: “Authentic names” are dangerous for your users (eff.org)
256 points by DiabloD3 on Oct 5, 2015 | 254 comments
7. Users Have Been Betrayed in the Final TPP Deal (eff.org)
335 points by DiabloD3 on Oct 5, 2015 | 98 comments
8. IBM is still making ThinkPad keyboards (mthompson.org)
233 points by cblop on Oct 5, 2015 | 154 comments
9. The Era of Automatic Facial Recognition and Surveillance Is Here (forbes.com/sites/bruceschneier)
177 points by dthal on Oct 5, 2015 | 155 comments
10. HP announces OpenSwitch, an open-source network operating system (openswitch.net)
143 points by noplay on Oct 5, 2015 | 51 comments
11. Terrorism is not about terror (gwern.net)
184 points by Artistry121 on Oct 5, 2015 | 107 comments
12. Alan Kay: Computer Applications – A Medium for Creative Thought (1972) [video] (youtube.com)
113 points by jarmitage on Oct 5, 2015 | 15 comments
13. Project Ballista (github.com/chromium)
154 points by twapi on Oct 5, 2015 | 20 comments
14. Immutable Data Structures and JavaScript (jlongster.com)
177 points by jlongster on Oct 5, 2015 | 70 comments
15. Meteor Galaxy, a cloud platform for Meteor applications (info.meteor.com)
168 points by thousandx on Oct 5, 2015 | 41 comments
16. Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial (stanford.edu)
184 points by Katydid on Oct 5, 2015 | 16 comments
17. Show HN: YouTransfer – Self-hosted file sharing (youtransfer.io)
133 points by rbolte on Oct 5, 2015 | 76 comments
18. 402: Payment Required (medium.com/humphd)
176 points by nmcfarl on Oct 5, 2015 | 213 comments
19. A cartoon guide to Flux (medium.com/code-cartoons)
198 points by snehesht on Oct 5, 2015 | 29 comments
20. Microsoft, stop sending user identifiers in clear text (annoyedmicrosoftuser.blogspot.com)
221 points by ramen-hero on Oct 5, 2015 | 42 comments
21. How Not to Measure Latency (highscalability.com)
98 points by toddh on Oct 5, 2015 | 23 comments
22. Volkswagen Emissions Investigation Zeroes in on Two Engineers (wsj.com)
90 points by petethomas on Oct 5, 2015 | 92 comments
23. The economics of software correctness (drmaciver.com)
113 points by exupero on Oct 5, 2015 | 53 comments
24. Why Cats Were Hated in Medieval Europe (medievalists.net)
89 points by diodorus on Oct 5, 2015 | 78 comments
25. In China, Your Credit Score Is Affected by Your Political Opinions (privateinternetaccess.com)
158 points by peterkelly on Oct 5, 2015 | 87 comments
26. Reverse Engineering Proves Journalist Security App Is Not Secure (gist.github.com)
88 points by secfirstmd on Oct 5, 2015 | 17 comments
27. The New York Times reaches 1M digital only subscribers (nytimes.com)
125 points by zonotope on Oct 5, 2015 | 66 comments
28. Writing Friendlier Clojure (adambard.com)
101 points by whalesalad on Oct 4, 2015 | 17 comments
29. KeepassC – Curses based keepass written in Rust (raymontag.github.io)
96 points by Immortalin on Oct 5, 2015 | 40 comments
30. Android 6.0 Marshmallow Reviewed (arstechnica.com)
141 points by yurisagalov on Oct 5, 2015 | 135 comments

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