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Stories from January 28, 2012
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1. Why does that QR Code go to justinsomnia.org? (justinsomnia.org)
309 points by jacobr on Jan 28, 2012 | 72 comments
2. YC and 500 Startups company Curebit caught stealing from 37 Signals (venturebeat.com)
306 points by bhuga on Jan 28, 2012 | 237 comments
3. IcedCoffeeScript (maxtaco.github.com)
288 points by swannodette on Jan 28, 2012 | 58 comments
4. Beautiful web type: highlighting the best of the Google web fonts directory (hellohappy.org)
268 points by ubuwaits on Jan 28, 2012 | 43 comments
5. Steve Jobs personally asked Eric Schmidt to stop poaching employees (theverge.com)
243 points by benjlang on Jan 28, 2012 | 167 comments
6. Paulo Coelho advertises on Pirate Bay front page (paulocoelhoblog.com)
193 points by rafamvc on Jan 28, 2012 | 37 comments
7. Why Every Professional Should Consider Blogging (technicalblogging.com)
166 points by acangiano on Jan 28, 2012 | 56 comments
8. Apology to 37signals (curebit.com)
152 points by allangrant on Jan 28, 2012 | 207 comments
9. Canada Is About To Pass Sopa’s Evil Little Brother. Politely (dearthey.com)
148 points by DanielRibeiro on Jan 28, 2012 | 28 comments
10. Doing Y Combinator a second time (kulveer.co.uk)
147 points by kul on Jan 28, 2012 | 29 comments
11. My Startup Failed, But It's OK (coderholic.com)
146 points by coderholic on Jan 28, 2012 | 30 comments
12. Free book on Bayesian machine learning by David Barber (ucl.ac.uk)
146 points by markerdmann on Jan 28, 2012 | 11 comments
13. Jekyll Bootstrap: The Quickest Way to Blog with Jekyll (jekyllbootstrap.com)
145 points by nreece on Jan 28, 2012 | 24 comments
14. Why Software Development Estimations Are Regularly Off (diegobasch.com)
141 points by diego on Jan 28, 2012 | 59 comments
15. SPJ: Escape From the Ivory Tower, Haskell From 1990 to 2011 (eventer.com)
117 points by johnbender on Jan 28, 2012 | 19 comments
16. Former Apple Exec goes to JC Penney and slashes prices by 40% (nymag.com)
103 points by kennethologist on Jan 28, 2012 | 69 comments
17. Tell HN: RAM Requirements are going through the roof
102 points by babebridou on Jan 28, 2012 | 89 comments
18. A paper about Emacs Org-Mode in the Journal of Statistical Software (jstatsoft.org)
94 points by tumult on Jan 28, 2012 | 4 comments
19. US plummets on World Press Freedom Index, from 27th to 47th (slashdot.org)
92 points by gasull on Jan 28, 2012 | 45 comments
20. Sixteen Concerned Scientists: No Need to Panic About Global Warming (wsj.com)
87 points by llambda on Jan 28, 2012 | 134 comments
21. CityHash: new hash function by Google (faster than Murmur) (code.google.com)
86 points by markerdmann on Jan 28, 2012 | 29 comments
22. Visualized Git practices for team: branch, merge, rebase (kentnguyen.com)
86 points by kentnguyen on Jan 28, 2012 | 36 comments
23. Zocial CSS3 Buttons (smcllns.com)
83 points by semanticist on Jan 28, 2012 | 28 comments
24. Salary Negotiations, Don’t be Tough, be Honest (jnorthrop.tumblr.com)
83 points by jnorthrop on Jan 28, 2012 | 64 comments
25. A Private PaaS with Mongrel2 and ZeroMQ (ceondo.com)
77 points by thomasriche on Jan 28, 2012 | 24 comments
26. Megaupload Implications are plain scary for Cloud Storage (alexblom.com)
77 points by AlexBlom on Jan 28, 2012 | 32 comments
27. Copyright Industry Calls For Broad Search Engine Censorship (torrentfreak.com)
75 points by kzrdude on Jan 28, 2012 | 27 comments
28. Browser Sedimentation (tbray.org)
73 points by wglb on Jan 28, 2012 | 42 comments
29. Blog of current ISS astronaut (nasa.gov)
70 points by nhoss2 on Jan 28, 2012 | 9 comments
30. Show HN: My weekend project, TrickedOutTimeline (trickedouttimeline.com)
70 points by maxjaderberg on Jan 28, 2012 | 29 comments

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