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Stories from February 26, 2009
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1. The most surprising thing I've seen in 2009, courtesy of Etherpad (etherpad.com)
338 points by pg on Feb 26, 2009 | 126 comments
2. How I almost killed Facebook (matt-welsh.blogspot.com)
157 points by neilc on Feb 26, 2009 | 55 comments
3. Introducing SelectorGadget: point and click minimal CSS selectors (selectorgadget.com)
137 points by tectonic on Feb 26, 2009 | 25 comments
4. Things I Wish I’d Been Told: Tips For Students with a Bachelors in Computer Science (bbn.com)
134 points by dedalus on Feb 26, 2009 | 59 comments
5. If my startup fails, this is my cover letter for my next employer (dashnine.org)
94 points by raffi on Feb 26, 2009 | 17 comments
6. Can a musician sell their music online? (zedshaw.com)
94 points by sevib on Feb 26, 2009 | 67 comments
7. Technical Debt (martinfowler.com)
90 points by baha_man on Feb 26, 2009 | 35 comments
8. Tricks for Getting Out of Bed in the Morning (wired.com)
87 points by peter123 on Feb 26, 2009 | 67 comments
9. Twiddla does Replays now. Thanks for the inspiration, Etherpad (twiddla.com)
66 points by jasonkester on Feb 26, 2009 | 25 comments
10. 'Oldest English words' identified (bbc.co.uk)
64 points by ilamont on Feb 26, 2009 | 41 comments
11. Why is the DOS path character "\"? (msdn.com)
58 points by vladimir on Feb 26, 2009 | 7 comments
12. The Value of the Y Combinator Experience (sachinrekhi.com)
52 points by sachin on Feb 26, 2009 | 13 comments
13. Building Quake Live : John Carmack (gamasutra.com)
53 points by kqr2 on Feb 26, 2009 | 5 comments
14. Do You Need All That Water to Boil Pasta? (nytimes.com)
48 points by robg on Feb 26, 2009 | 21 comments
15. All the Texts on Financial Engineering You Could Ever Want (classiccmp.org)
48 points by steveplace on Feb 26, 2009 | 25 comments
16. Rails deployment missing piece, filled in (github.com/javan)
41 points by koops on Feb 26, 2009 | 27 comments
17. Flower is the only video game I've played that made me feel relaxed, peaceful, and happy (slate.com)
41 points by pchristensen on Feb 26, 2009 | 13 comments
18. Heist: a Scheme interpreter written in Ruby (github.com/jcoglan)
38 points by swombat on Feb 26, 2009 | 14 comments
19. John Carmack interview on bringing Quake Live to browsers
37 points by ilamont on Feb 26, 2009 | 20 comments
20. Airtel, one of the biggest Indian ISPs, is intercepting HTTP requests to display ads (blog.uncool.in)
36 points by GeneralMaximus on Feb 26, 2009 | 14 comments
21. Ask HN: What have you learned from Hacker News?
32 points by adsyoung on Feb 26, 2009 | 18 comments
22. Computer Vision for Python (code.google.com)
29 points by mjtokelly on Feb 26, 2009 | 5 comments
23. Bell Canada to charge 15 cents per Twitter SMS even with an unlimited plan (ottawacitizen.com)
25 points by ingenium on Feb 26, 2009 | 10 comments
24. Use PHP to build a Twitter-like system on your site (ibm.com)
25 points by jaspertheghost on Feb 26, 2009 | 26 comments
25. Pirate Bay Trial Day 9: BitTorrent Is Not Evil (torrentfreak.com)
24 points by rogercosseboom on Feb 26, 2009 | 3 comments
26. New Rule: Don’t launch a storage service if you’re going to close down within a year. (box.net)
23 points by peter123 on Feb 26, 2009 | 17 comments
27. E Ink's Russ Wilcox on why the Kindle 2's e-paper screen took 12 years, $150 million (xconomy.com)
21 points by waderoush on Feb 26, 2009 | 3 comments
28. Rapid Thinking Makes People Happy (sciam.com)
21 points by kqr2 on Feb 26, 2009 | 8 comments
29. Non-Disclosure Agreements are for young losers, not old winners (timmyontime.com)
21 points by dan_sim on Feb 26, 2009 | 25 comments
30. Lift 1.0 released (lostlake.org)
18 points by codeslinger on Feb 26, 2009 | 7 comments

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