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Stories from January 10, 2024
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1. A battery has replaced Hawaii's last coal plant (canarymedia.com)
666 points by toomuchtodo 5 months ago | 466 comments
2. I pwned half of America's fast food chains simultaneously (mrbruh.com)
1081 points by MrBruh 5 months ago | 474 comments
3. Wikihouse: Open-Source Houses (wikihouse.cc)
494 points by jlevers 5 months ago | 210 comments
4. I quit my job to work full time on my open source project (ellie.wtf)
637 points by cwaffles 5 months ago | 176 comments
5. Drawing.garden (drawing.garden)
509 points by nivethan 5 months ago | 131 comments
6. Aim, fire, scan: the 80/20 of executing on big projects (indiehackers.com)
273 points by ChanningAllen 5 months ago | 44 comments
7. The teen mental illness epidemic is international (2023) (afterbabel.com)
498 points by simonebrunozzi 5 months ago | 875 comments
8. MoE-Mamba: Efficient Selective State Space Models with Mixture of Experts (arxiv.org)
129 points by jonbaer 5 months ago | 39 comments
9. Ibogaine banishes PTSD, small study finds (nature.com)
277 points by gmays 5 months ago | 259 comments
10. Gmail and Yahoo’s 2024 inbox protections and what they mean for email programs (mailgun.com)
379 points by pqvst 5 months ago | 268 comments
11. OpenWRT turns 20; wants to launch their "first upstream supported" design (lwn.net)
425 points by trelane 5 months ago | 179 comments
12. Glucoboy (shonumi.github.io)
166 points by _Microft 5 months ago | 8 comments
13. The Biggest Smallest PNG (belkadan.com)
140 points by ingve 5 months ago | 11 comments
14. Shoelace: A library of web components (shoelace.style)
294 points by alexzeitler 5 months ago | 110 comments
15. Conditional Git Configuration (scottlowe.org)
286 points by djha-skin 5 months ago | 71 comments
16. Show HN: Tool to calculate how much milk is needed to make an amount of cheese (cheesemak.ing)
129 points by hgarg 5 months ago | 75 comments
17. Juniper Networks to Combine with HPE (juniper.net)
147 points by awat 5 months ago | 123 comments
18. Show HN: Peer-to-peer mini r/place with Proof of Work (tropical.pages.dev)
122 points by turbidimeter 5 months ago | 45 comments
19. Does DNA have the equivalent of IF-statements, WHILE loops, or function calls? (biology.stackexchange.com)
464 points by ent101 5 months ago | 194 comments
20. Netflix never used its $1M algorithm (2012) (thenextweb.com)
294 points by reqo 5 months ago | 306 comments
21. An Approach to Sound Synthesis with L-Systems (ho.name)
90 points by sargstuff 5 months ago | 20 comments
22. Mariposa – A programming language with time-travel (github.com/ambulancja)
152 points by blatta 5 months ago | 62 comments
23. Linkhut: A Social Bookmarking Site (ln.ht)
175 points by mdwalters 5 months ago | 72 comments
24. Signs that it's time to leave a company (adrianco.medium.com)
546 points by bezeee 5 months ago | 339 comments
25. Ask HN: Good book to learn modern networking?
326 points by charliebwrites 5 months ago | 131 comments
26. Vcc – The Vulkan Clang Compiler (shady-gang.github.io)
170 points by todsacerdoti 5 months ago | 68 comments
27. Invisible Ink: At the CIA's Creative Writing Group (theparisreview.org)
136 points by ynac 5 months ago | 47 comments
28. The biggest losers: Metabolic damage or constrained energy? (physiqonomics.com)
142 points by paulpauper 5 months ago | 276 comments
29. 24 Hours of Lemons (24hoursoflemons.com)
162 points by throwup238 5 months ago | 60 comments
30. Is Objective-C BOOL a boolean type? It depends (jviotti.com)
63 points by ingve 5 months ago | 22 comments

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