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Stories from October 6, 2016
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1. RethinkDB is shutting down (rethinkdb.com)
1674 points by neumino on Oct 6, 2016 | 441 comments
2. Google Noto Fonts (google.com)
1217 points by bpierre on Oct 6, 2016 | 304 comments
3. Opposition to Galileo was scientific, not just religious (aeon.co)
447 points by rfreytag on Oct 6, 2016 | 217 comments
4. Jack Dorsey Is Losing Control of Twitter (bloomberg.com)
283 points by miraj on Oct 6, 2016 | 196 comments
5. What SMART Stats Tell Us About Hard Drives (backblaze.com)
262 points by ingve on Oct 6, 2016 | 68 comments
6. Physicists Create World’s First Time Crystal (technologyreview.com)
277 points by hrgeek on Oct 6, 2016 | 126 comments
7. ‘Security Fatigue’ Can Cause Computer Users to Feel Hopeless and Act Recklessly (nist.gov)
213 points by molecule on Oct 6, 2016 | 170 comments
8. Twitter Shares Slump After Report Says Google Won’t Make a Bid (bloomberg.com)
256 points by JumpCrisscross on Oct 6, 2016 | 251 comments
9. An Open Letter From Elizabeth Holmes (theranos.com)
287 points by alva on Oct 5, 2016 | 206 comments
10. Designing a SaaS Database for Scale with Postgres (citusdata.com)
241 points by mixmastamyk on Oct 6, 2016 | 54 comments
11. Why Writers Are the Worst Procrastinators (theatlantic.com)
163 points by agarden on Oct 6, 2016 | 83 comments
12. My Experience Running Development at a Startup (antjanus.com)
182 points by antjanus on Oct 6, 2016 | 40 comments
13. Unix as IDE (sanctum.geek.nz)
237 points by yarapavan on Oct 6, 2016 | 209 comments
14. Udacity open-sources additional driving data (techcrunch.com)
208 points by olivercameron on Oct 6, 2016 | 29 comments
15. Replacement Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone catches fire on Southwest plane (theverge.com)
222 points by ssclafani on Oct 5, 2016 | 184 comments
16. A parallel recommendation engine in Julia (juliacomputing.com)
139 points by one-more-minute on Oct 6, 2016 | 29 comments
17. Code of Silence (theintercept.com)
253 points by w1ntermute on Oct 6, 2016 | 53 comments
18. Snapchat Parent Working on IPO That Could Value Company at $25B or More (wsj.com)
108 points by coloneltcb on Oct 6, 2016 | 98 comments
19. The High Sierra forest is dying, and you can't count the loss in dead trees (latimes.com)
139 points by Mz on Oct 6, 2016 | 104 comments
20. Ask a Female Engineer: Interviewing and Company Culture (themacro.com)
161 points by craigcannon on Oct 6, 2016 | 301 comments
21. RethinkDB and Compose: Where Next (compose.com)
131 points by andrewbarba on Oct 6, 2016 | 26 comments
22. Training Recurrent Neural Networks [pdf] (utoronto.ca)
88 points by e19293001 on Oct 6, 2016 | 8 comments
23. Show HN: Patat – Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc (github.com/jaspervdj)
167 points by jaspervdj on Oct 6, 2016 | 13 comments
24. EBay acquires visual search engine Corrigon for less than $30M (techcrunch.com)
56 points by dustinmoris on Oct 5, 2016 | 5 comments
25. Solvespace – parametric 2d/3d CAD (github.com/solvespace)
128 points by trymas on Oct 6, 2016 | 40 comments
26. Qt Quick Controls 2.1 and Beyond (qt.io)
131 points by bpierre on Oct 6, 2016 | 89 comments
27. Ancient Cannabis 'Burial Shroud' Discovered in Desert Oasis (nationalgeographic.com)
58 points by benbreen on Oct 4, 2016 | 39 comments
28. Thought Experiments in Mathematics: Gabriel's Horn (fermatslibrary.com)
60 points by mgdo on Oct 6, 2016 | 39 comments
29. Systemd programming, 30 months later (lwn.net)
168 points by mynameislegion on Oct 6, 2016 | 182 comments
30. The fight over transparency in the meat industry (nytimes.com)
158 points by triplesec on Oct 6, 2016 | 177 comments

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