1. | | The YC VC Program (ycombinator.com) |
404 points by pg on Nov 26, 2012 | 165 comments
2. | | Apple's Module proposal to replace headers for C-based languages [pdf] (llvm.org) |
385 points by _djo_ on Nov 26, 2012 | 177 comments
3. | | I’m writing my own OS (gusc.lv) |
299 points by maidenhead on Nov 26, 2012 | 200 comments
4. | | On 81st birthday, Oregon man gives company to employees (2010) (seattletimes.com) |
265 points by cfontes on Nov 26, 2012 | 57 comments
5. | | Why we can't process Emoji anymore (gist.github.com) |
258 points by tpinto on Nov 26, 2012 | 152 comments
6. | | Stripe's 22-Year-Old Irish-Born Founder Is Just Getting Started (inc.com) |
223 points by jkuria on Nov 26, 2012 | 89 comments
7. | | Cosmo: A free Metro-inspired theme for Bootstrap (bootswatch.com) |
209 points by thomaspark on Nov 26, 2012 | 57 comments
8. | | Inside Google Spanner, the Largest Single Database on Earth (wired.com) |
204 points by Libertatea on Nov 26, 2012 | 70 comments
9. | | Kickstarter, Trademarks and Lies (arduino.cc) |
186 points by lucatironi on Nov 26, 2012 | 75 comments
10. | | Simple Sabotage Field Manual (1944) (cia.gov) |
182 points by EiZei on Nov 26, 2012 | 67 comments
11. | | Doom 3 BFG Edition source code released (github.com/id-software) |
172 points by waffle_ss on Nov 26, 2012 | 31 comments
12. | | Posting a notice on your Facebook wall will not protect your privacy rights (snopes.com) |
154 points by recycleme on Nov 26, 2012 | 84 comments
13. | | Redline Smalltalk V1.0 (indiegogo.com) |
155 points by fredwu on Nov 26, 2012 | 139 comments
14. | | The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur (2009) (kauffman.org) |
148 points by charlieirish on Nov 26, 2012 | 106 comments
15. | | The Founder's Lie About Comfort Zones (klinger.io) |
122 points by andreasklinger on Nov 26, 2012 | 25 comments
16. | | Want to create a new habit? Get ready to break it. (joel.is) |
104 points by peterkchen on Nov 26, 2012 | 38 comments
17. | | Bank of America Telephone Access Security Hole (privateinternetaccess.com) |
100 points by rasengan on Nov 26, 2012 | 58 comments
18. | | Anatomy of a Native Feeling HTML5 iOS App (justinvincent.com) |
94 points by theseanz on Nov 26, 2012 | 60 comments
19. | | Using Erlang, C And Lisp To Fight The Tsunami Of Mobile Data (highscalability.com) |
95 points by bugsense on Nov 26, 2012 | 32 comments
20. | | Why time is not running out (paraschopra.com) |
89 points by paraschopra on Nov 26, 2012 | 52 comments
21. | | When It Comes to Security, We’re Back to Feudalism (wired.com) |
83 points by dsr12 on Nov 26, 2012 | 34 comments
22. | | A Minimum Tax for the Wealthy (nytimes.com) |
79 points by swohns on Nov 26, 2012 | 145 comments
23. | | A better, prettier, cross-browser OK plateau typing tutor (thume.ca) |
81 points by trishume on Nov 26, 2012 | 37 comments
24. | | 50% off O'Reilly ebooks and videos today (oreilly.com) |
80 points by vijayr on Nov 26, 2012 | 43 comments
25. | | What Hasn’t Changed: The Internet Keeps Getting Bigger (500hats.com) |
79 points by ssclafani on Nov 26, 2012 | 39 comments
26. | | Macy's parade: 'Shredded police papers in confetti' (bbc.co.uk) |
78 points by akandiah on Nov 26, 2012 | 35 comments
27. | | Which U.S. coastal areas could disappear due to sea level rise (nytimes.com) |
76 points by selamattidur on Nov 26, 2012 | 76 comments
28. | | Publishers shouldn't be app developers (37signals.com) |
76 points by ph0rque on Nov 26, 2012 | 35 comments
29. | | Google does not acquire wireless Internet network provider ICOA (thenextweb.com) |
70 points by derpenxyne on Nov 26, 2012 | 24 comments
30. | | Why play when you can code? MakeGamesWithUs helps the new generation make games (venturebeat.com) |
73 points by jvrossb on Nov 26, 2012 | 30 comments
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