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Stories from September 9, 2023
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1. Lithium discovery in US volcano could be biggest deposit ever found (chemistryworld.com)
706 points by jseliger 9 months ago | 323 comments
2. Asking 60 LLMs a set of 20 questions (llmonitor.com)
740 points by vincelt 9 months ago | 339 comments
3. I used a Game Boy camera for Facetime video calls in iPadOS 17 (macstories.net)
407 points by cocacola1 9 months ago | 61 comments
4. Every type of plastic used by LEGO (2022) (bricknerd.com)
388 points by nkurz 9 months ago | 119 comments
5. Privacy Nightmare on Wheels’: Every Car Brand Reviewed by Mozilla (foundation.mozilla.org)
632 points by sandermvanvliet 9 months ago | 309 comments
6. Newly discovered comet Nishimura could be visible to naked eye this weekend (theguardian.com)
187 points by c420 9 months ago | 131 comments
7. The Development of the C Language (2003) (bell-labs.co)
191 points by cpeterso 9 months ago | 24 comments
8. FTC judge rules Intuit broke law, must stop advertising TurboTax as “free” (arstechnica.com)
360 points by thunderbong 9 months ago | 88 comments
9. LogoScale – A method for vectorizing small, crappy logos (msprout.notion.site)
227 points by pushedx 9 months ago | 37 comments
10. PAROL6 Desktop Robot Arm (github.com/pcrnjak)
163 points by tildef 9 months ago | 56 comments
11. Show HN: I built a Python web framework (github.com/zerointensity)
173 points by zerointensity 9 months ago | 113 comments
12. Dennis Austin, developer of PowerPoint, has died (washingtonpost.com)
168 points by sonabinu 9 months ago | 168 comments
13. A Teen Celebrity in 1804 (jstor.org)
66 points by CoBE10 9 months ago | 13 comments
14. FFmpeg Patches for a 20% speedup of Apple ProRes decoding (ffmpeg.org)
222 points by mfiguiere 9 months ago | 39 comments
15. Julia and Mojo Mandelbrot Benchmark (julialang.org)
193 points by npalli 9 months ago | 164 comments
16. Morphology and temporal evolution of ground-nesting bee burrows (sciencedirect.com)
92 points by sohkamyung 9 months ago | 14 comments
17. The Power of Food for People with Dementia (newyorker.com)
118 points by fortran77 9 months ago | 30 comments
18. An Internet of PHP (timotijhof.net)
295 points by edent 9 months ago | 319 comments
19. Bare-Metal Kubernetes, Part I: Talos on Hetzner (datavirke.dk)
214 points by MathiasPius 9 months ago | 77 comments
20. Eio 1.0 – Effects-based IO for OCaml 5 (sigplan.org)
124 points by hackandthink 9 months ago | 8 comments
21. Advanced NLP with SpaCy (spacy.io)
145 points by auraham 9 months ago | 58 comments
22. A small-town police officer took down a large match-fixing ring in tennis (washingtonpost.com)
138 points by saeedesmaili 9 months ago | 84 comments
23. CRISPR used to 'reprogram' cancer cells into healthy muscle in the lab (livescience.com)
198 points by rbanffy 9 months ago | 29 comments
24. The English cottage where John le Carré wrote Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (lithub.com)
86 points by bookofjoe 9 months ago | 64 comments
25. The Berkeley Hotel Hostage of Douglas Adams (thebookseller.com)
127 points by thunderbong 9 months ago | 30 comments
26. A test of memory for stimulus sequences in great apes (neurosciencenews.com)
41 points by gardenfelder 9 months ago | 74 comments
27. Public restrooms are hard to find in America (washingtonpost.com)
231 points by linusg789 9 months ago | 481 comments
28. What happens when you shift a register by more than the register size? (microsoft.com)
100 points by signa11 9 months ago | 69 comments
29. Delivery of gene therapy through CSF conduit to rescue hearing in adult mice (science.org)
41 points by bookofjoe 9 months ago | 7 comments
30. Cisco Systems and Financialization (ineteconomics.org)
60 points by hunglee2 9 months ago | 46 comments

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