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Stories from August 14, 2019
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1. Scientists Discover a Cure for the Deadliest Strain of Tuberculosis (nytimes.com)
511 points by rafaelc on Aug 14, 2019 | 43 comments
2. Mercedes-Benz pre-safe sound (mercedesbenzofnatick.com)
474 points by melenaboija on Aug 14, 2019 | 251 comments
3. Planet: Imaging the entire Earth every day (nbremer.github.io)
464 points by NaOH on Aug 14, 2019 | 133 comments
4. Attorney General Barr and Encryption (schneier.com)
328 points by hsnewman on Aug 14, 2019 | 220 comments
5. Tell HN: Danny Cohen Has Died
432 points by drallison on Aug 13, 2019 | 36 comments
6. The not so hidden cost of sharing code between iOS and Android (dropbox.com)
436 points by dankohn1 on Aug 14, 2019 | 326 comments
7. Anime4K: Real time high quality video upscaling (github.com/bloc97)
387 points by bufferoverflow on Aug 14, 2019 | 92 comments
8. FAA Bans Recalled Apple Laptops from Flights (bloomberg.com)
251 points by jmsflknr on Aug 13, 2019 | 229 comments
9. Lisp is not based on the Lambda Calculus (danielsz.github.io)
285 points by danielszm on Aug 14, 2019 | 133 comments
10. Amazon wants to control third-party sellers’ product pricing (modernretail.co)
242 points by ilamont on Aug 14, 2019 | 186 comments
11. WeWork IPO Shows It's the Most Magical Unicorn (bloomberg.com)
212 points by jpm_sd on Aug 14, 2019 | 168 comments
12. Danish bank launches negative interest rate mortgage (theguardian.com)
248 points by neka on Aug 14, 2019 | 149 comments
13. The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Algebra (1963) (caltech.edu)
288 points by signa11 on Aug 12, 2019 | 40 comments
14. Show HN: StoryTime – Create stories about your code instead of documentation (storytime.dev)
193 points by vidoss on Aug 14, 2019 | 67 comments
15. Yield Curves Invert in U.S., U.K (bloomberg.com)
395 points by samsonradu on Aug 14, 2019 | 634 comments
16. Psytrance Guide (psytranceguide.com)
465 points by turrini on Aug 14, 2019 | 210 comments
17. Tumblr (avc.com)
177 points by rmason on Aug 14, 2019 | 103 comments
18. The Shady World of Repair Manuals: Copyrighting for Planned Obsolescence (2012) (wired.com)
149 points by segfaultbuserr on Aug 13, 2019 | 60 comments
19. Root: CERN's scientific data analysis framework for C++ (cern.ch)
137 points by z3phyr on Aug 12, 2019 | 39 comments
20. The We Company S-1 (sec.gov)
330 points by dawhizkid on Aug 14, 2019 | 330 comments
21. Launch HN: Dex (YC S19) – personal CRM that reminds you to keep in touch
189 points by ksun on Aug 14, 2019 | 141 comments
22. Building a vacuum tube computer (ltu.se)
107 points by ChickeNES on Aug 14, 2019 | 46 comments
23. Project Mu – A modular UEFI environment for building modern devices (microsoft.github.io)
112 points by Tomte on Aug 14, 2019 | 34 comments
24. Mitre Systems Engineering Guide (2014) [pdf] (mitre.org)
121 points by mindcrime on Aug 14, 2019 | 32 comments
25. Wavelets (1994) [pdf] (cybertester.com)
98 points by rubenbe on Aug 13, 2019 | 46 comments
26. NEC shows ‘flying car’ hovering steadily for minute (apnews.com)
97 points by lxm on Aug 12, 2019 | 159 comments
27. Scientists reverse aging process in rat brain stem cells (medicalxpress.com)
105 points by lelf on Aug 14, 2019 | 16 comments
28. Texas Power Prices Briefly Surpass $9k Amid Scorching Heat (bloomberg.com)
120 points by jweir on Aug 14, 2019 | 315 comments
29. What Germans Are Reading (the-american-interest.com)
142 points by objections on Aug 14, 2019 | 126 comments
30. Visible Lisp Computer (technoblogy.com)
97 points by lispm on Aug 14, 2019 | 9 comments

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