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Stories from August 18, 2007
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1. Heretical Thoughts About Science and Society, by Freeman Dyson (edge.org)
32 points by corentin on Aug 18, 2007 | 9 comments
2. Software - How Software Companies Die (apocalypse.org)
25 points by rams on Aug 18, 2007 | 5 comments
3. Are We Failing Our Geniuses? (time.com)
22 points by karthikv on Aug 18, 2007 | 48 comments
4. YC's Terms of Use: "When you click on a link, our server will send you the corresponding page." (ycombinator.com)
19 points by henning on Aug 18, 2007 | 4 comments
5. Liberal Arts Professors on Attending Grad School--Is it the same in Comp Sci? (swarthmore.edu)
18 points by vlad on Aug 18, 2007 | 17 comments
6. Am I Too Old To Be A Programmer? (thecodist.com)
15 points by nickb on Aug 18, 2007 | 7 comments
7. Using Data to "Brute Force" Hard Problems in Vision and Graphics (Google TechTalk) (video.google.com)
13 points by amichail on Aug 18, 2007 | 3 comments
8. The Cost of Losing a Developer (david-carr.blogspot.com)
9 points by nickb on Aug 18, 2007 | 2 comments
9. Coding Horror: Thirteen Blog Cliches (codinghorror.com)
11 points by farmer on Aug 18, 2007 | 1 comment
10. Embarassing Bill Gates video (ifilm.com)
10 points by aandreev on Aug 18, 2007 | 5 comments
11. The Multicore Kerfuffle and a Dose of Reality (marknelson.us)
8 points by iamelgringo on Aug 18, 2007 | 3 comments
12. Democracies with two major parties invariably promote discrimination and brainwashing.
8 points by amichail on Aug 18, 2007 | 12 comments
13. Google Working on Social Network Aggregator (25hoursaday.com)
8 points by bootload on Aug 18, 2007
14. How Startups Get A Foot In The Door (informationweek.com)
8 points by drm237 on Aug 18, 2007
15. Five Quick Suggestions to Improve Twitter (centernetworks.com)
7 points by transburgh on Aug 18, 2007
16. New SAT: Write Long, Badly and Prosper (jewishworldreview.com)
6 points by jsnx on Aug 18, 2007
17. Fast String Searching With Suffix Trees (marknelson.us)
6 points by farmer on Aug 18, 2007
18. Registering a domain in .it - staring down the mouth of Italian bureaucracy (welton.it)
5 points by davidw on Aug 18, 2007
19. Weeks of hell at Opera Software (aftenposten.no)
5 points by ks on Aug 18, 2007 | 2 comments
20. LA Times Loses It Over Google (webpronews.com)
4 points by transburgh on Aug 18, 2007
21. Fast Company: Man vs. Machine - Mahalo (fastcompany.com)
4 points by staunch on Aug 18, 2007
22. Hacker News Posting Guidelines?
4 points by epi0Bauqu on Aug 18, 2007 | 5 comments
23. Unstoppable Subversion (collab.net)
4 points by nickb on Aug 18, 2007 | 7 comments
24. Revenge by Gadget: the emergence of devices that let people interfere with other people's devices (oreilly.com)
4 points by ivankirigin on Aug 18, 2007
25. List of Lisp-based OSes (cbbrowne.com)
4 points by nickb on Aug 18, 2007
26. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (un.org)
3 points by kf on Aug 18, 2007 | 1 comment
27. Michael Moritz: The house that Google, Yahoo, and YouTube built (valleywag.com)
3 points by transburgh on Aug 18, 2007
28. A Desk is a Dangerous Place to View the World ... (fridayreflections.typepad.com)
2 points by nreece on Aug 18, 2007
29. Milton Friedman, Meet Richard Feynman (slate.com)
2 points by davidw on Aug 18, 2007
30. Is there really such a thing as "infinity"? (toronto.edu)
2 points by nickb on Aug 18, 2007

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