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Stories from September 30, 2019
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1. WeWork says will file to withdraw IPO (reuters.com)
645 points by pseudolus on Sept 30, 2019 | 384 comments
2. HEAD – A guide to <head> elements (htmlhead.dev)
497 points by mooreds on Sept 30, 2019 | 124 comments
3. KDE is adopting GitLab (about.gitlab.com)
442 points by severine on Sept 30, 2019 | 135 comments
4. Employers Used Facebook to Keep Women and Older Workers from Seeing Job Ads (propublica.org)
353 points by shrikant on Sept 29, 2019 | 459 comments
5. Tensorflow 2.0 (github.com/tensorflow)
465 points by Gimpei on Sept 30, 2019 | 106 comments
6. Ships fitted with ‘cheat devices’ to divert poisonous pollution into sea (independent.co.uk)
394 points by _bz2r on Sept 30, 2019 | 147 comments
7. China Grew Two Cotton Leaves on the Moon (ieee.org)
331 points by headalgorithm on Sept 30, 2019 | 129 comments
8. Mesh Spreadsheet (mesh-spreadsheet.com)
474 points by galfarragem on Sept 30, 2019 | 51 comments
9. Twitter exec for Middle East is also part-time British army 'psyops' officer (middleeasteye.net)
360 points by FDS on Sept 30, 2019 | 127 comments
10. Rx – Extensible pixel editor implemented in Rust, inspired by Vi (cloudhead.io)
349 points by cloudhead on Sept 30, 2019 | 117 comments
11. Show HN: Bot Land, a game where you fight others via code (bot.land)
444 points by Adam13531 on Sept 28, 2019 | 87 comments
12. Which companies are using Erlang, and why? (erlang-solutions.com)
394 points by lelf on Sept 29, 2019 | 196 comments
13. A brief rant on the future of interaction design (2011) (worrydream.com)
335 points by li4ick on Sept 30, 2019 | 153 comments
14. Scientists Identify How Many Trees to Plant and Where to Stop Climate Crisis (goodnewsnetwork.org)
432 points by ph0rque on Sept 30, 2019 | 327 comments
15. Forever 21, Which Helped Popularize Fast Fashion, to File for Bankruptcy (nytimes.com)
262 points by SREinSF on Sept 30, 2019 | 169 comments
16. Hard comp-fi reading list (fiftysevendegreesofrad.github.io)
425 points by sideshowb on Sept 30, 2019 | 155 comments
17. Negative Rates Are Rewriting the Rules of Modern Finance (bloomberg.com)
185 points by megacorp on Sept 30, 2019 | 113 comments
18. Reinventing the Network Stack for Compute-Intensive Applications (darpa.mil)
171 points by shaklee3 on Sept 30, 2019 | 76 comments
19. New SIM attacks de-mystified, protection tools now available (srlabs.de)
190 points by sebst on Sept 30, 2019 | 33 comments
20. New productivity software startups (ben-evans.com)
200 points by notlukesky on Sept 28, 2019 | 50 comments
21. Show HN: Ieddit – A minimalist, Reddit-like site with anonymous posts/comments (ieddit.com)
220 points by cc-d on Sept 29, 2019 | 163 comments
22. Have Online Reviews Lost All Value? (wsj.com)
235 points by ytNumbers on Sept 30, 2019 | 202 comments
23. Avoiding Intellectual Phase Lock (books.google.com)
206 points by monort on Sept 30, 2019 | 74 comments
24. [dupe] Instagram Threatened Removal of Verified Status for Posting Snapchat Content (beebom.com)
406 points by thescribbblr on Sept 30, 2019 | 146 comments
25. Tethered Jailbreaks Are Back (trailofbits.com)
143 points by dguido on Sept 27, 2019 | 117 comments
26. Increased rates of myopia linked to reduced time outside, studies suggest (2015) (nature.com)
172 points by oska on Sept 30, 2019 | 53 comments
27. Strategies for Long Projects (benbrostoff.github.io)
184 points by pcprincipal on Sept 28, 2019 | 36 comments
28. Cascade reactions use nanoparticles to convert CO2 to complex molecules (acs.org)
46 points by bookofjoe on Sept 29, 2019 | 28 comments
29. Simulation of what a massive black hole would look like (theweathernetwork.com)
161 points by laurex on Sept 29, 2019 | 74 comments
30. Show HN: Aristotl – an intuitive logical fallacy lookup tool (aristotl.io)
173 points by andrewscwei on Sept 29, 2019 | 52 comments

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