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Stories from October 8, 2016
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1. A Javascript journey with only six characters (jazcash.com)
567 points by Jazcash on Oct 8, 2016 | 112 comments
2. Artificial Intelligence Lecture Videos (ocw.mit.edu)
540 points by BucketSort on Oct 8, 2016 | 49 comments
3. How We Built the World’s Prettiest Auto-Generated Transit Maps (medium.com/transit-app)
432 points by ant6n on Oct 7, 2016 | 60 comments
4. Silkworms that eat carbon nanotubes and graphene spin tougher silk (acs.org)
237 points by sndean on Oct 7, 2016 | 70 comments
5. Image unshredder by simulated annealing (2015) (nayuki.io)
253 points by nayuki on Oct 8, 2016 | 56 comments
6. TIS-100 – Tessellated Intelligence System (zachtronics.com)
195 points by doener on Oct 8, 2016 | 82 comments
7. A gentle introduction to Prolog (2013) (bernardopires.com)
221 points by mihau on Oct 8, 2016 | 128 comments
8. Paul Erdős: a life that added up to something (1996) (osu.edu)
246 points by michaelhoffman on Oct 7, 2016 | 64 comments
9. HTML Kong (xn--8ws00zhy3a.com)
209 points by spicytunacone on Oct 8, 2016 | 30 comments
10. Just shut up and let your devs concentrate, advises Joel Spolsky (geekwire.com)
315 points by rmason on Oct 8, 2016 | 197 comments
11. Fully Countering Trusting Trust Through Diverse Double-Compiling (2009) (dwheeler.com)
88 points by micaeked on Oct 8, 2016 | 53 comments
12. Mylan to Settle EpiPen Overpricing Case for $465M (nytimes.com)
104 points by helloworld on Oct 7, 2016 | 83 comments
13. Remotely accessing an IP address inside a target computer is a search (washingtonpost.com)
119 points by CapitalistCartr on Oct 8, 2016 | 20 comments
14. Monks Who Spent Years Turning Themselves into Mummies While Alive (atlasobscura.com)
125 points by Thevet on Oct 8, 2016 | 103 comments
15. Ask HN: Learning to code, without a computer?
205 points by givinguflac on Oct 8, 2016 | 185 comments
16. U.S. pressed to disclose secret court's order on Yahoo email search (reuters.com)
138 points by mikecarlton on Oct 8, 2016 | 14 comments
17. Latency numbers every programmer should know (2012) (gist.github.com)
224 points by okket on Oct 8, 2016 | 42 comments
18. Show HN: Live control a robot running around my house (runmyrobot.com)
162 points by tkl on Oct 8, 2016 | 32 comments
19. CIA ‘Siren Servers’ can predict social uprisings 3-5 days in advance (sociable.co)
160 points by andrewke on Oct 8, 2016 | 91 comments
20. Szl, a Tcl-inspired embeddable language (github.com/dimkr)
65 points by dimkr1 on Oct 8, 2016 | 19 comments
21. Quora has blocked me because it doesn't think Theodore Ts'o is my real name (plus.google.com)
213 points by dredmorbius on Oct 8, 2016 | 143 comments
22. Eagle: Tcl interpreter implemented in CLR (eagle.to)
80 points by blacksqr on Oct 8, 2016 | 33 comments
23. How should mathematics be taught to non-mathematicians? (2012) (gowers.wordpress.com)
141 points by poindontcare on Oct 8, 2016 | 86 comments
24. Platform as a Service team takes even-handed approach to meetings (gds.blog.gov.uk)
54 points by idlemind on Oct 7, 2016 | 36 comments
25. PDB – ANSI-C to PostScript compiler (1993) (iecc.com)
58 points by 1ris on Oct 8, 2016 | 11 comments
26. Quantum Tokens for Digital Signatures (arxiv.org)
43 points by CapitalistCartr on Oct 7, 2016 | 6 comments
27. WoSign Incidents Report Update [pdf] (wosign.com)
113 points by xnyhps on Oct 8, 2016 | 74 comments
28. On the Analogy Between Mind/Brain and Software/Hardware (1992) (massline.org)
40 points by wsgeorge on Oct 8, 2016 | 34 comments
29. Refusal to recognize the rise of independent contractors is hurting the economy (techcrunch.com)
111 points by endswapper on Oct 8, 2016 | 146 comments
30. How the CIA Watched Over the Destruction of Gary Webb (2014) (theintercept.com)
137 points by iamjeff on Oct 8, 2016 | 44 comments

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