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Stories from October 28, 2012
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1. The little ssh that (sometimes) couldn't (naguib.ca)
508 points by LiveTheDream on Oct 28, 2012 | 63 comments
2. Infinite Gangnam Style (echonest.com)
373 points by nickknw on Oct 28, 2012 | 109 comments
3. Killing Your Startup on a Thursday Night (techcrunch.com)
303 points by sethbannon on Oct 28, 2012 | 56 comments
4. Web Design Trends (weavora.com)
271 points by citizenblr on Oct 28, 2012 | 42 comments
5. Singularity Chess (abstractstrategygames.blogspot.com)
231 points by iamwil on Oct 28, 2012 | 28 comments
6. Apple ][+ in HTML5 (porkrind.org)
206 points by shawndumas on Oct 28, 2012 | 81 comments
7. I.B.M. Reports Nanotube Chip Breakthrough (nytimes.com)
204 points by sew on Oct 28, 2012 | 30 comments
8. 3D CSS Periodic table with three.js (mrdoob.com)
191 points by mmahemoff on Oct 28, 2012 | 55 comments
9. Illegal Numbers (wikipedia.org)
184 points by Pwnguinz on Oct 28, 2012 | 95 comments
10. F1 Indian GP in real time with Google Maps (lusob.com)
151 points by lusob on Oct 28, 2012 | 42 comments
11. DuckDuckHack (duckduckhack.com)
149 points by evolve2k on Oct 28, 2012 | 19 comments
12. We’re creating a culture of distraction (joekraus.com)
143 points by nava on Oct 28, 2012 | 47 comments
13. Ask HN: What's your startup's analytics setup?
131 points by malandrew on Oct 28, 2012 | 66 comments
14. Over a month later and Comcast still doesn't know how to SSL (comcast.com)
131 points by swedegeek on Oct 28, 2012 | 49 comments
15. Fear and Loathing at Zigfu: My Y Combinator Experience (fpgacomputing.blogspot.com)
122 points by amirhirsch on Oct 28, 2012 | 40 comments
16. Daniel Shiffman launches "The Nature of Code" online for free (natureofcode.com)
115 points by runemadsen on Oct 28, 2012 | 11 comments
17. Wikipedia Is Nearing Completion, in a Sense (theatlantic.com)
110 points by kevbin on Oct 28, 2012 | 80 comments
18. Anonymous Is Going After Zynga For Mistreating Employees (techcrunch.com)
106 points by psycho on Oct 28, 2012 | 83 comments
19. The Core Memory Module from my dad’s homebuilt PDP-11/05 (porkrind.org)
101 points by shawndumas on Oct 28, 2012 | 10 comments
20. 1MB Sorting Explained (preshing.com)
96 points by nemoto on Oct 28, 2012 | 8 comments
21. HappyEdit: A Vim-inspired, modern, open source text editor (happyedit.se)
92 points by pkkm on Oct 28, 2012 | 108 comments
22. Understanding Linear Algebra Intuitively (stata.com)
87 points by Jagat on Oct 28, 2012 | 8 comments
23. Glider - A minimal, text-focused theme for Wordpress (tomcreighton.com)
85 points by tomcreighton on Oct 28, 2012 | 30 comments
24. Mining Time-series with Trillions of Points: Dynamic Time Warping at scale (practicalquant.blogspot.com)
80 points by datascientist on Oct 28, 2012 | 11 comments
25. EFF Wins Renewal of Smartphone Jailbreaking Rights (eff.org)
62 points by enobrev on Oct 28, 2012 | 23 comments
26. Breaking Bad, Microsoft, and Ecosystems (daltoncaldwell.com)
60 points by jwallaceparker on Oct 28, 2012 | 11 comments
27. Git and GitHub Secrets [video] (confreaks.com)
56 points by dpearson on Oct 28, 2012 | 10 comments
28. Iran in space (therealamirtaheri.blogspot.co.uk)
57 points by user9756 on Oct 28, 2012 | 54 comments
29. Why aren't we doing the math? (timharford.com)
56 points by ColinWright on Oct 28, 2012 | 22 comments
30. The driverless road ahead (economist.com)
55 points by digisth on Oct 28, 2012 | 77 comments

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