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Stories from January 7, 2017
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1. Transit starts crowd-sourcing real-time transit times as official feed breaks (medium.com/transit-app)
219 points by ant6n on Jan 7, 2017 | 72 comments
2. The Riemann Hypothesis, explained (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
309 points by seycombi on Jan 7, 2017 | 61 comments
3. “Reclaim Windows 10” Powershell Script (gist.github.com)
319 points by maxt on Jan 7, 2017 | 261 comments
4. Ask HN: Does anyone here have an art degree?
226 points by iansowinski on Jan 7, 2017 | 170 comments
5. Online databases dropping like flies, with 10,000 falling to ransomware (arstechnica.co.uk)
237 points by SQL2219 on Jan 7, 2017 | 149 comments
6. Dropped (2014) (grantland.com)
163 points by mhb on Jan 7, 2017 | 46 comments
7. King – man + woman is queen; but why? (p.migdal.pl)
263 points by stared on Jan 7, 2017 | 101 comments
8. Show HN: Kitty – A modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator (github.com/kovidgoyal)
192 points by aumerle on Jan 7, 2017 | 88 comments
9. Lecture on Creativity (1991) (genius.com)
154 points by drawkbox on Jan 7, 2017 | 29 comments
10. TV anchor says live on-air ‘Alexa, order me a dollhouse’ (theregister.co.uk)
259 points by danielharan on Jan 7, 2017 | 232 comments
11. What If Time Really Exists? (2008) (arxiv.org)
158 points by privong on Jan 7, 2017 | 204 comments
12. Kitten – A statically typed, stack-based functional programming language (kittenlang.org)
150 points by throwaway7645 on Jan 7, 2017 | 49 comments
13. Amazon's Alexa Moves in on Google's Android System (reuters.com)
87 points by _vvdf on Jan 7, 2017 | 74 comments
14. An obscure research project could accelerate innovation in language design (plan99.net)
133 points by phreeza on Jan 7, 2017 | 45 comments
15. Norway’s new passport – already a design classic? (theguardian.com)
178 points by hiphopyo on Jan 7, 2017 | 71 comments
16. Yaft – Yet another framebuffer terminal (github.com/uobikiemukot)
130 points by mcbuilder on Jan 7, 2017 | 19 comments
17. Reasons not to use Skype (2012) (stallman.org)
223 points by dsr12 on Jan 7, 2017 | 167 comments
18. The science of Westworld (plan99.net)
242 points by mike_hearn on Jan 7, 2017 | 142 comments
19. Fix for Golang runtime memory corruption bug (googlesource.com)
115 points by rargulati on Jan 7, 2017 | 49 comments
20. Lispy sets (vicsydev.blogspot.com)
66 points by codr4life on Jan 7, 2017 | 19 comments
21. Text Your Way to College (nytimes.com)
90 points by tokenadult on Jan 7, 2017 | 90 comments
22. C99/C11 dynamic array that mimics C++'s std::vector (solarianprogrammer.com)
84 points by AlexeyBrin on Jan 7, 2017 | 158 comments
23. 3-D Fractals Offer Clues to Complex Systems (quantamagazine.org)
84 points by DarkContinent on Jan 7, 2017 | 6 comments
24. 10 years with util-linux project (karelzak.blogspot.com)
88 points by arunbhanu on Jan 7, 2017 | 6 comments
25. Ask HN: How can I get involved with Linux/OpenSSL/GnuPG/etc
103 points by ancarda on Jan 7, 2017 | 29 comments
26. Show HN: Thirty Bees – A PrestaShop 1.6 fork (thirtybees.com)
58 points by themaveness on Jan 7, 2017 | 59 comments
27. Ask HN: What is the best Linux distro for a development laptop?
177 points by selmat on Jan 7, 2017 | 318 comments
28. DJI acquires majority stake in Hasselblad, the iconic Swedish camera company (techcrunch.com)
59 points by cocoflunchy on Jan 7, 2017 | 21 comments
29. Urbanisation signal detected in evolution, study shows (bbc.co.uk)
70 points by funkylexoo on Jan 7, 2017 | 10 comments
30. Secure Headers for PHP (aidanwoods.com)
57 points by aidantwoods on Jan 6, 2017 | 18 comments

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