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Stories from February 4, 2015
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1. FCC Chairman: This Is How We Will Ensure Net Neutrality (wired.com)
1275 points by Libertatea on Feb 4, 2015 | 424 comments
2. A Software Engineer’s Adventures in Learning Mathematics (medium.com/warrenhenning)
419 points by hecubus on Feb 4, 2015 | 222 comments
3. Testosterone is the drug of the future (fusion.net)
341 points by mparramon on Feb 4, 2015 | 296 comments
4. Microsoft Acquires Calendar App Sunrise for North of $100M (techcrunch.com)
288 points by jonas21 on Feb 4, 2015 | 111 comments
5. How Google Inbox shares 70% of its code across Android, iOS, and the Web (arstechnica.com)
266 points by akrymski on Feb 4, 2015 | 78 comments
6. PyPy 2.5.0 released (morepypy.blogspot.com)
297 points by cyber1 on Feb 3, 2015 | 68 comments
7. Why Learning to Code Is So Damn Hard (vikingcodeschool.com)
314 points by vike27 on Feb 4, 2015 | 258 comments
8. Prometheus: An open-source service monitoring system and time series database (prometheus.io)
287 points by jjwiseman on Feb 4, 2015 | 114 comments
9. A little thing to love about Perl 6 and COBOL (perl.org)
174 points by i_cannot_hack on Feb 4, 2015 | 129 comments
10. Ross Ulbricht Convicted of Running Silk Road as Dread Pirate Roberts (bloomberg.com)
292 points by DavidChouinard on Feb 4, 2015 | 278 comments
11. Animated Bézier Curves (jasondavies.com)
142 points by davidbarker on Feb 4, 2015 | 28 comments
12. Non-blocking UI's with interface previews (callumhart.com)
170 points by callum_hart on Feb 4, 2015 | 53 comments
13. UK to allow babies from three people (bbc.com)
172 points by jcrei on Feb 3, 2015 | 159 comments
14. Soviet Cosmonauts Carried a Shotgun into Space (medium.com/war-is-boring)
151 points by vinnyglennon on Feb 3, 2015 | 55 comments
15. Knightmare: A DevOps Cautionary Tale (2014) (dougseven.com)
207 points by strzalek on Feb 4, 2015 | 85 comments
16. Hard Drive Data Sets (backblaze.com)
193 points by epistasis on Feb 4, 2015 | 58 comments
17. How a HyperLogLog works (opensourceconnections.com)
117 points by softwaredoug on Feb 4, 2015 | 17 comments
18. Yahoo open-sources Kafka Manager for Kafka cluster management (yahooeng.tumblr.com)
92 points by fangjin on Feb 3, 2015 | 12 comments
19. At 90, She's Designing Tech for Aging Boomers (npr.org)
109 points by shahocean on Feb 4, 2015 | 15 comments
20. Earth Primer (earthprimer.com)
170 points by dluan on Feb 4, 2015 | 30 comments
21. .Trashes, .fseventsd, and .Spotlight-V100 (hostilefork.com)
89 points by pmoriarty on Feb 4, 2015 | 66 comments
22. JVM implementation challenges: Why the future is hard but worth it [pdf] (java.net)
98 points by pron on Feb 4, 2015 | 74 comments
23. Laravel 5 released (laravel-news.com)
217 points by pyprism on Feb 4, 2015 | 107 comments
24. Alibaba begins drone delivery trials in China (bbc.co.uk)
152 points by edward on Feb 4, 2015 | 115 comments
25. How FEMA Uses Waffle House to Measure Disasters (wabe.org)
85 points by jcater on Feb 4, 2015 | 12 comments
26. Changes to the FreeBSD Support Model (freebsd.org)
66 points by emaste on Feb 3, 2015 | 40 comments
27. Matrix – An Open Standard for Decentralised Persistent Communication (matrix.org)
102 points by reinhardt1053 on Feb 4, 2015 | 33 comments
28. Matrix Digital Rain – Written in GopherJS (tidwall.github.io)
58 points by tidwall on Feb 3, 2015 | 22 comments
29. Why Nadella's Second Year as Microsoft CEO Will Be a Lot Harder (bloomberg.com)
103 points by william_stranix on Feb 4, 2015 | 55 comments
30. Paradoxes That Threaten to Tear Modern Cosmology Apart (medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog)
86 points by gmays on Feb 4, 2015 | 58 comments

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